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V2EX  ›  jasonyang9  ›  全部回复第 96 页 / 共 110 页
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2018-05-08 09:07:03 +08:00
回复了 EIlenZe 创建的主题 生活 最近感觉自己脾气好暴躁
2018-05-07 17:21:31 +08:00
回复了 mokeyjay 创建的主题 随想 V2 能不能提供一个封禁自己的接口呢?
2018-05-04 15:03:42 +08:00
回复了 andychen20121130 创建的主题 问与答 aliyun OS root 方法
@jisibencom #1 自动翻译:亲爱的用户,我是你爹 :doge:
2018-05-04 11:26:08 +08:00
回复了 Tiakon 创建的主题 MySQL 我第一次编译 mysql,花了三四个小时,这正常吗?
2018-05-04 11:11:35 +08:00
回复了 redapple02041 创建的主题 全球工单系统 关于 windows10 的 HDD 负优化问题
估计某个 Hotfix 分支的内容忘记合并到 Develop 分支。。。
2018-05-04 10:47:10 +08:00
回复了 ColinZeb 创建的主题 全球工单系统 win10 1803(17134.1)经常性假死
@Blazings #33 发现了,Linux 更适合我,再见 M$
2018-05-04 10:38:54 +08:00
回复了 timelessg 创建的主题 锤子手机 有没有组团去听锤科相声大会的
坚果 Pro,没什么可抱怨的,没 AD,感觉就是自己的手机,而不是雷布斯的广告投放器。电池够用,神 U 625
2018-05-04 10:33:54 +08:00
回复了 Terry05 创建的主题 程序员 有没有跨浏览器的收藏夹插件?
@tadtung #3 请问自建导航站是造的轮子还是。。?
2018-05-04 10:20:41 +08:00
回复了 John60676 创建的主题 程序员 Python 里面 False == None 为什么是 False 而不是 True
2018-05-03 16:47:10 +08:00
回复了 feral2013 创建的主题 随想 人的本质是什么?最近迷茫人活着的意义到底是什么
2018-05-03 16:04:28 +08:00
回复了 pimin 创建的主题 分享发现 Windows 10 窗口标题栏惨白怎么解决?
@geelaw #2 InActive 窗口颜色随意设,用`[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]`。

@Newyorkcity #7 不用啊,mysqld 已经跑起来了,并在监听 3306 端口
systemctl start mysqld
systemctl enable mysqld
systemctl status mysqld

CentOS 7 用 systemd 来管服务了,而且 mysqld 也是跑起来的
2018-05-03 14:16:17 +08:00
回复了 oktoship 创建的主题 强迫症 如何优雅的远离 bat
>I never tell stores who I am. I never let them know. I pay cash and only cash for that reason. I don ’ t care whether it ’ s a local store or Amazon — no one has a right to keep track of what I buy. The local store, I might do business with, I wouldn ’ t give it any way to know my identity. I would pay cash. With Amazon, I can ’ t pay cash, so I don ’ t buy from there.

>And secondary features, conveniences and so on, should not be allowed to justify making the primary goal require collection of data. Let ’ s say you want to ride in a car and pay for the ride. That doesn ’ t fundamentally require knowing who you are. So services which do that must be required by law to give you the option of paying cash, or using some other anonymous-payment system, without being identified. They should also have ways you can call for a ride without identifying yourself, without having to use a cell phone. Companies that won ’ t go along with this — well, they ’ re welcome to go out of business. Good riddance.

>We need a law. Fuck them — there ’ s no reason we should let them exist if the price is knowing everything about us. Let them disappear. They ’ re not important — our human rights are important. No company is so important that its existence justifies setting up a police state. And a police state is what we ’ re heading toward.
>Most non-free software has malicious functionalities. And they include spying on people, restricting people — that ’ s called digital restrictions management, back doors, censorship. Empirically, basically, if a program is not free software, it probably has one of these malicious functionalities. So imagine a driverless car, controlled of course by software, and it will probably be proprietary software, meaning not-free software, not controlled by the users but rather by the company that makes the car, or some other company.
>Well imagine if that has a back door, which enables somebody to send a command saying, “ Ignore what the passenger said, and go there.” Imagine what that would do. You can be quite sure that China will use that functionality to drive people toward the places they ’ re going to be disappeared or punished. But can you be sure that the U.S. won ’ t?

2018-05-03 14:03:23 +08:00
回复了 bandian 创建的主题 Linux Linux 下 mount 命令的疑问
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