- 参与 Github 和社区的初衷是为了分享和交流
- 语言只是工具
- 没必要"政治正确"地将都是华人看得内容用蹩脚的英语表达
关于这个问题,我之前翻译了一点东西,往原 repo 合并的时候,一个路人也发表观点说,翻译到其他语言没有必要,原 repo 的作者回复了几段话,感觉很受用:
onmyway133 While I certainly agree with you premise ("English is the main language for software development") I don't agree with your conclusion ("we should not translate in other language").
The main purpose of @
albertodebortoli and I when we started writing this book was to share our knowledge and experience. This is also, in my opinion, the main goal of most of non-fiction work as well and one of the basic principle behind the open source movement: knowledge should be free and accessibile to everybody.
If translating our work in Chinese makes it accessibile to a wider audience I would argue that this is exactly in the spirit of this book. We should praise @
oa414's effort (and the effort of many more contributor) and not diminish it.
I don't know your background but I'm a bilingual myself and English is my second language and I can still remember when I was kid (~10yo) and wanted to learn about computer and was very hard / harder to find information in the only language I knew at the time so this issue is very close to my heart.
But let me be clear, this work is and will be first and foremost in English. Every change will be made in the English version that will alway be the reference and the drive for translation.
To answer your question "Who would need another language?" it's typical in the human nature to take the know state/experience and generalize. In this case the assumption is that everybody speaks English and this is because you're biased toward what you experience, but the reality is that the number of non-English person in this world outnumber the English speaking.
So all these people need other languages, as a community we should strive to be as inclusive as possible and inclusion also means to share knowledge with person that don't understand our language.