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@BearD01001 我这是搜集他传播 xx 图片的证拒(狗头
@loading 我也不懂,就是试了一下 然后发现他 21 22 端口都没关
@ynyounuo 我本来是下的 flj 套图的好不好 裤子都脱了他给我看这个😒
@tetora 太高端 不懂
2020-12-24 18:02:18 +08:00
回复了 Dedicatus545 创建的主题 路由器 被软路由搞裂开了兄弟们
@winterx 我觉得问题没出在 ADG 上面 目前我只开了 ADG + passwall
如果不关掉 passwall 解析非常快,只要开了 passwall 立马就拉跨,就觉得这个解析去国外又回来了
2020-12-24 17:58:37 +08:00
回复了 Dedicatus545 创建的主题 路由器 被软路由搞裂开了兄弟们
@winterx bind_host:
bind_port: 3000
- name: admin
password: $2y$10$vHRcARdPCieYG3RXWomV5evDYN.Nj/edtwEkQgQJZcK6z7qTLaIc6
http_proxy: ""
language: zh-cn
rlimit_nofile: 0
debug_pprof: false
web_session_ttl: 720
port: 5553
statistics_interval: 1
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querylog_file_enabled: true
querylog_interval: 1
querylog_size_memory: 1000
anonymize_client_ip: false
protection_enabled: true
blocking_mode: default
blocking_ipv4: ""
blocking_ipv6: ""
blocked_response_ttl: 10
parental_block_host: family-block.dns.adguard.com
safebrowsing_block_host: standard-block.dns.adguard.com
ratelimit: 0
ratelimit_whitelist: []
refuse_any: true
- tls://1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com
- tls://dns.google
- https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query
- tcp://
- tcp://
upstream_dns_file: ""
- 2620:fe::10
- 2620:fe::fe:10
all_servers: true
fastest_addr: false
allowed_clients: []
disallowed_clients: []
- version.bind
- id.server
- hostname.bind
cache_size: 4194304
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aaaa_disabled: true
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safebrowsing_enabled: false
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parental_cache_size: 1048576
cache_time: 30
rewrites: []
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server_name: ""
force_https: false
port_https: 443
port_dns_over_tls: 853
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allow_unencrypted_doh: false
strict_sni_check: false
certificate_chain: ""
private_key: ""
certificate_path: ""
private_key_path: ""
- enabled: false
url: https://adaway.org/hosts.txt
name: Adaway HOST
id: 139789111
- enabled: false
url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neodevpro/neodevhost/master/adblocker
id: 139789112
- enabled: false
url: https://banbendalao.coding.net/p/adgk/d/ADgk/git/raw/master/ADgk.txt
name: adgk 手机去广告规则
id: 139789121
- enabled: false
url: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD@master/anti-ad-easylist.txt
name: anti-AD 命中率最高列表
id: 139789122
- enabled: false
url: https://gitee.com/halflife/list/raw/master/ad.txt
name: halflife 合并乘风
id: 139789131
- enabled: false
url: https://easylist.to/easylist/easyprivacy.txt
name: EasyPrivacy 隐私相关
id: 139789132
- enabled: false
url: https://www.i-dont-care-about-cookies.eu/abp/
name: I don't care about cookies 隐私相关
id: 139789133
- enabled: false
url: https://gitee.com/cjx82630/cjxlist/raw/master/cjx-ublock.txt
name: CJX's uBlock list 隐私相关
id: 139789141
- enabled: false
url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Hosts/GoodbyeAds-Ultra.txt
name: GoodbyeAds 大全去广告
id: 139789142
- enabled: true
url: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Ewpratten/a25ae63a7200c02c850fede2f32453cf/raw/b9318009399b99e822515d388b8458557d828c37/hosts-yt-ads
name: YouTube-去广告
id: 139789143
- enabled: false
url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Goooler/1024_hosts/master/hosts
name: 1024host
id: 139789151
- enabled: false
url: https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?hostformat=hosts&showintro=1&mimetype=plaintext
name: Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list​
id: 139789152
- enabled: false
url: https://easylist.to/easylist/fanboy-social.txt
name: Fanboy's Social Blocking List
id: 139789153
- enabled: false
url: https://easylist.to/easylist/fanboy-annoyance.txt
name: Fanboy's Annoyance List
id: 139789154
- enabled: false
url: https://secure.fanboy.co.nz/fanboy-cookiemonster.txt
name: EasyList Cookie List
id: 139789155
- enabled: false
url: https://fanboy.co.nz/fanboy-antifacebook.txt
name: Anti-Facebook List
id: 139789161
- enabled: false
url: https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/14.txt
name: AdGuard Annoyances filter
id: 139789162
- enabled: false
url: https://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt
name: MalwareDomainList.com Hosts List
id: 139789163
- enabled: false
url: https://www.fanboy.co.nz/enhancedstats.txt
name: Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List
id: 139789164
- enabled: false
url: https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/3.txt
name: AdGuard Tracking Protection filter
id: 139789165
- enabled: false
url: https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt
name: EasyList
id: 139789171
- enabled: true
url: https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/11.txt
name: AdGuard Mobile Ads filter
id: 139789172
- enabled: true
url: https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/2_without_easylist.txt
name: AdGuard Base filter
id: 139789173
- enabled: true
url: https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/antiadblockfilters.txt
name: Adblock Warning Removal List
id: 139789174
- enabled: false
url: https://fanboy.co.nz/fanboy-problematic-sites.txt
name: Fanboy's problematic-sites
id: 139789175
- enabled: true
url: http://sub.adtchrome.com/adt-chinalist-easylist.txt
name: ChinaList+EasyList(修正)
id: 139789181
- enabled: false
url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adbyby/xwhyc-rules/master/lazy.txt
name: Adbyby Lazy Rule
id: 139789182
- enabled: false
url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VeleSila/yhosts/master/hosts.txt
name: hosts
id: 139789183
- enabled: false
url: https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/raw/master/FINAL_BUILD/aak-cont-list-notubo.txt
name: aak-cont-list-notubo
id: 139789184
whitelist_filters: []
- '||api.miwifi.com^$important'
- '@@||www.youtube.com^$important'
- ""
enabled: false
interface_name: ""
gateway_ip: ""
subnet_mask: ""
range_start: ""
range_end: ""
lease_duration: 0
icmp_timeout_msec: 1000
options: []
range_start: ""
lease_duration: 0
ra_slaac_only: false
ra_allow_slaac: false
clients: []
log_compress: false
log_localtime: false
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verbose: false
schema_version: 7
2020-12-23 22:24:50 +08:00
回复了 Dedicatus545 创建的主题 路由器 被软路由搞裂开了兄弟们
@winterx 看 13 楼
2020-12-23 22:24:17 +08:00
回复了 Dedicatus545 创建的主题 路由器 被软路由搞裂开了兄弟们
@tankren 单 pdsn 试过了 解析慢得一批 国内站经常打不开
2020-12-23 22:10:20 +08:00
回复了 Dedicatus545 创建的主题 路由器 被软路由搞裂开了兄弟们
@Mai1me 架不住他免费香啊
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