这是一个创建于 1947 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
首個 Sublime Text 4 內測版本
Dev Channel Changelog
Build 4050
13 November 2019
GPU Rendering
- New hardware_acceleration setting will composite the UI on the GPU
- By default, GPU rendering is enabled on Mac, and disabled on Windows and Linux
- Details about the active GPU will be displayed in the Console
Context-aware Auto Complete
- The auto complete engine now suggests completions based on patterns in existing code
- Uses the entire project as a source, instead of just the current view
- Plugins may specify symbol kind info to be displayed in suggestions list
Tab Multi Select
- When multiple tabs are selected, their contents will be shown side-by-side
- Side-by-side view is also used when selecting multiple files in sidebar
- Goto Definition popup allows opening the definition using side-by-side view
Python 3.8 API
- Added a Python 3.8 API environment for plugins
- Plugins can choose Python version via .python-version file in plugin folder
- Existing plugins are fully supported via legacy Python 3.3 API
- Many API improvements and additions - see API section for more details
Editor Control
- Build systems now use new annotations functionality instead of phantoms, reducing re-flow
- Caret blinking is disabled by default. Set caret_style setting to smooth for previous behavior.
- Find results are highlighted on the scroll bar
- Improved automatic indentation detection
- trim_trailing_whitespace now trims only newly inserted trailing whitespace by default. Controlled via trim_only_modified_white_space setting.
- Expanded draw_white_space setting, supporting leading and trailing white space
- Unicode white space characters, such as the zero width no-break space, are now drawn as hex values. Controlled via draw_unicode_white_space setting.
- Fixed spelling correction to support languages with upper case characters after start of word
- Linux: Text drag and drop is now supported
- Linux: Added support for alternate font weight names
- Linux: Selection is no longer cleared when another application makes a selection
Text Commands
- Improved behavior of Wrap Paragraph
- Improved behavior of Swap Lines
- Added Selection/Expand Selection as a general mechanism to expand the selection
- Selection/Split into Lines will now split a selection into words if the selection doesn't contain any newlines
- Show a sum in the status bar when there are multiple selections and all of them are numbers
- Fixed swap_line_down not being able to swap an empty line onto the last line of a file
- Fixed sort_lines replacing unicode newlines with regular ones
- Added auto_complete_include_snippets setting, for disabling auto complete integration
- Added ignored_snippets setting, for disabling default snippets
Goto Symbol
- Goto Symbol in Project is now significantly faster on huge projects
- Icons are now shown next to symbols, indicating the symbol kind
- Symbols with 3 characters or less are now indexed
Indexing (Goto Definition)
- Files ignored by .gitignore are not indexed by default. Controlled via index_exclude_gitignore setting.
- Files without known extensions are no longer indexed by default. Controlled via index_skip_unknown_extensions setting.
- Improved behavior with constantly changing files
Input Handling
- Modifier key taps can now be used as part of a key binding. For example, ["ctrl", "ctrl"] will trigger when Ctrl is pressed twice without pressing any other keys in between.
- Linux: AltGr can now be used in key bindings via altgr
- Linux: Added a workaround for a touchscreen driver bug, which would cause right click and mouse scrolling to stop working
- Linux: When the menu it hidden, pressing alt will show it
- Mac: Fix Pinyin input
- Mac: Keypad keys can now be bound to as expected
- Mac: Added key bindings for macOS application tabs
- Windows, Linux: Hide mouse cursor when typing. Controlled via hide_pointer_while_typing setting.
- Windows, Linux: Fixed being unable to bind Ctrl+Break
Files and Folders
- Saving files is now asynchronous
- When save_on_focus_lost is enabled, closing an unsaved file will save and close it, instead of prompting to save
- Improved behavior of save_on_focus_lost in conjunction with administrator owned files
- Added reload_file_on_change setting to control if files are automatically reloaded or not
- Windows: Fixed Open Containing Folder for UNC paths
- Windows: Fixed Save dialog not showing for new files with control characters on the first line
- Windows: Fixed Ctrl+Backspace inserting a DEL character when a dialog is open in the background
- Linux: Fix recreated directories not working correctly with file change monitoring
- Added highlight_gutter and highlight_line_number settings
- Added the ability to auto hide the menu, tabs, and status bar when typing. See auto_hide_menu and related settings.
- Window title bar can be controlled by show_rel_path and show_project_first settings
- Tab context menu now includes Close Unmodified Files and Close Deleted Files entries
- Themes now have a style property for title_bar element, for better integration with OS "dark modes"
- Added glow font option to color schemes
- Linux: Show sequential key bindings in the menu
- Linux: Fixed context menu position being slightly offset
- Windows, Linux: Added support for per-display subpixel ordering
- Mac: Improved window resize performance
- Windows: Fixed rendering bug where other applications could cause persistent artifacts via window animations
Application Behavior
- Added Safe Mode, to simulate a clean install. Enabled by passing --safe-mode on the command line.
- Added options to hot_exit setting to control behavior when the last window is closed
- Fixed a possible case where an update loses the current session
- Settings containing a UTF-8 BOM will no longer fail to load
Syntax Definitions
- Added ability to "branch" within syntax definitions, for non-deterministic or multi-line constructs
- Many syntax highlighting improvements, including significant improvements to:
- Fixed a performance issue with bounded repeats in regular expressions
- minihtml now handles list-style-type CSS property - circle, square and disc
- Improved coverage of plugin profiling
- The cProfile module is now included on Linux
- EventListener has many new features and bug fixes
- on_query_completions() can now
- return suggestions asynchronously
- return command completions
- include symbol kind information
- New: on_init() is called once with list of views opened before plugin was loaded
- New: on_exit() is called immediately before plugin_host exits, after API is shut down
- New: on_text_changed() and on_text_changed_async() provide detailed modification info
- New methods:
- on_reload()
- on_revert()
- on_new_window()
- on_new_window_async()
- on_pre_close_window()
- on_pre_move()
- on_post_move()
- on_post_move_async()
- on_new_project()
- on_new_project_async()
- on_load_project()
- on_load_project_async()
- on_pre_save_project()
- on_post_save_project()
- on_post_save_project_async()
- on_pre_close_project()
- Fixed on_selection_modified() to not be called twice when left clicking
- View.add_regions() now has an annotations parameter, to allow adding a per-region annotation to the buffer. The exec command now uses this API for build errors.
- View.element() returns a string describing widget views (find input, quick panel input, etc)
- Image filenames can be retrieved via Sheet.file_name()
- Syntax definitions can be queried via sublime.list_syntaxes() and sublime.find_syntax()
- View.assign_syntax() now fully supports scope names, e.g. "scope:source.c++"
- Assigning a syntax no longer removes widget settings files from a widget view
- Added Window.workspace_file_name()
- Added open_project_or_workspace command
- append command has new, optional disable_tab_translation argument
- Improvements to the API, applied to the new Python 3.8 environment only:
- bool(sublime.Selection()) will return False when len() == 0
- sublime.load_binary_resource() now returns bytes instead of bytearray
- Added Selection.iter()
- Added Region.iter()
- Added Region.contains()
- Settings can now be treated like a dict
- Plugins starting with _ will be ignored, all global will be respected
- Events won't be reported until plugin_loaded() has been called
- .pyc files can now be imported when contained within .sublime-package files, although they will not be scanned for plugins
- The certifi Python package is preinstalled
- Significant performance improvements when rapidly printing to the Console
OS Compatibility
- The following operating systems are no longer supported as a result of adding Python 3.8:
- OS X 10.7
- OS X 10.8
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
17 条回复 • 2019-11-14 12:27:05 +08:00
est 2019-11-13 14:22:44 +08:00
地球上最好的非 web 编辑器。
anjianshi 2019-11-13 14:24:23 +08:00
Mac: fix pinyin input 不知道效果怎么样
dodo2012 2019-11-13 14:26:24 +08:00
现在在 mac 下 3 有很大的性能问题,一打开个目录文件比较多的几乎就是卡死的,要把索引删了才行,我试过几个版本都有这个问题
kappa 2019-11-13 14:28:37 +08:00
jdhao 2019-11-13 14:29:15 +08:00 via Android
lxk11153 2019-11-13 14:29:56 +08:00
@ est #1 啥叫非 web 编辑器? vscode 算哪一类?
lxk11153 2019-11-13 14:40:49 +08:00
@ POPOEVER #8 了解了,前不久想换 vscode 来着,后来一看是 electron 系的,就暂缓了,还是 Sublime Text 继续用着先
jfcherng 2019-11-13 14:48:43 +08:00
@ lxk11153 這個問題依然可以重現,所以應該是還沒修復(或是官方壓根並不知道有這個問題)
droiz 2019-11-13 14:51:28 +08:00
v2 的 seo 真是牛批,我 Google 搜 Sublime Text 4 (Dev Build 4050) Changelog,出来的第一个就是这个帖子🤣
love 2019-11-13 15:16:08 +08:00
可惜了,如果没有免费又好用的 vscode,sublime 应该活得非常滋润
Orciorc 2019-11-13 20:27:07 +08:00 via Android
POPOEVER 2019-11-14 00:00:49 +08:00
@ lxk11153 只要不把它当万能编辑器、配成各种环境的 IDE,其实还是很快的
XIVN1987 2019-11-14 12:27:05 +08:00
sbulime、vscode 都在用,,都很好,,