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RSS3 is looking for a DevOps Engineer

  •   rss3 · 127 天前 · 6496 次点击
    这是一个创建于 127 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    About RSS3

    RSS3 is the Open Information Layer–an Environment for (truly) Open AI, Open Search, and Open Social. We build for Open Information and the Open Web.

    We advocate for the power of freedom of information and emphasize its openness, accessibility and universal availability. Unlike major platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok that control vast amounts of public information, we urge individuals to redirect the power of data giants toward the public good by supporting decentralized channels and networks, and envision a world where open information empowers everyone.

    RSS3 was launched by Natural Selection Labs and is backed by top investors including Arweave, Coinbase, Coinshares, Dapper Labs, Dragonfly, Fabric Ventures and Hashkey.

    Homepage: https://rss3.io

    GitHub: https://github.com/NaturalSelectionLabs/RSS3

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/rss3_

    Natural Selection Labs

    We are a globally distributed organization: all of our members come from different countries, including US, Canada, UK, China, Singapore, New Zealand, and Philippines.

    Our team is equal, open, and free. We advocate flexible working hours, so both early birds and night owls are welcome!

    All our work is open source: https://github.com/RSS3-network.

    Since our establishment, we have made significant progress and are incredibly proud of our team culture and atmosphere.

    DevOps Engineer

    RSS3 is looking for a DevOps Engineer. You will be collaborating with our Europe and/or North America R&D team on feature delivery and SRE duties.


    1. Collaborate with different internal teams to optimize existing deployment strategies
    2. Support and improve infrastructure/service availability and observability
    3. R&D for all components of the RSS3 Network


    1. Self-motivated and able to communicate and collaborate with other engineers
    2. Proficiency in Golang/Python/JavaScript or other languages
    3. Proficiency with K8s
    4. Proficiency with AWS/GCP
    5. Proficiency with Terraform/Helm
    6. Base in Non-Asian time zones

    Nice to have:

    1. Web3 knowledge and/or experience
    2. Experience with Golang/Python/JavaScript development
    3. Experience with PostgreSQL/AlloyDB/ElasticSearch/Redis/Kafka
    4. Basic proficiency in Mandarin

    We Use:

    • GitHub

    • Notion

    • Slack

    • Join the VS Code Gang or the JetBrains Squad

    We offer:

    • A chance to directly participate in the Internet evolution and make the world a better place.
    • Opportunities to collaborate with the world’s top Open Web projects.
    • A team of loving and competent companions!
    • FULLY-REMOTE role with very flexible working hours.
    • An AWESOME & CARING company culture.
    • Competitive allowances and benefits.
    • We are committed to diversity and welcome talented applicants from all walks of life to apply! All applicants will be considered regardless of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, veteran or disability status.


    We look forward to receiving your CV:

    [email protected]

    1 条回复    2024-11-04 16:47:41 +08:00
       127 天前   ❤️ 1
    Base in Non-Asian time zones

    if you have this kind of requirement, why you put here??
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