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V2EX  ›  lionheart126  ›  全部回复第 2 页 / 共 2 页
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2021-05-18 15:28:20 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 NVIDIA 软件职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@Hsinyao 你可以考虑 GPU Kernel Software Engineer
2021-05-18 15:26:50 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 NVIDIA 软件职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@grapefruitbaby 根据我的经验,最快的有过当天就安排。
2021-05-18 15:22:48 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 NVIDIA 软件职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@easylee 目前没有
2021-05-18 15:21:32 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 NVIDIA 软件职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@nnqijiu 技术类的职位不高的
2021-05-18 15:20:49 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 NVIDIA 软件职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@del1214 还不错啦,之前在这发过帖子,已经有小伙伴通过推荐默默的拿到 offer 了~
2021-04-29 13:13:19 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
2021-04-22 17:13:33 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
2021-04-09 17:19:53 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
2021-03-31 15:44:22 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 社招多职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
2021-03-29 15:16:09 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 社招多职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@Jskirdvvz 没有的
2021-03-29 11:13:33 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 社招多职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@brust 哈哈,反正我所在的组没听说这渠道
2021-03-29 11:10:25 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 社招多职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
@darkcode 一样的
2021-03-28 17:33:45 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 社招多职位内推(上海,深圳,北京)
公司薪酬+股票给力!人性化管理,男员工 3 个月陪产假,女员工 158 天产假
2021-03-28 15:52:36 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
@z7039585 个人感觉,有基本交流能力即可。
2021-03-25 18:23:19 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
2021-03-24 15:14:05 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
2021-03-23 09:50:55 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
持续招聘中, 欢迎投递,随时解答各类问题。
2021-03-21 10:21:52 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
2021-03-21 10:16:44 +08:00
回复了 lionheart126 创建的主题 酷工作 [内推] NVIDIA 上海招 Test developer 若干名
NVIDIA is the world leader in GPU Computing. We are passionate about markets include gaming, automotive, professional vision, HPC, datacenters and networking in addition to our traditional OEM business. NVIDIA is also well positioned as the ‘AI Computing Company’, and NVIDIA GPUs are the brains powering modern Deep Learning software frameworks, accelerated analytics, big data, modern data centers, smart cities, and driving autonomous vehicles. We have some of the most brilliant and talented people in the world working for us. If you are talented, bright, driven and if working with smart technical people across countries sounds interesting, this job is for you.

We are now looking for a Senior CUDA Test Development Software Engineer, you will be working under dynamic environment on different project assignments, all are with cutting edging technology and ultimately you’ll be responsible for NVIDIA’s compute software test planning, execution and reporting, you’ll drive product quality and deliver the best quality to customers worldwide.

What you’ll be doing:

Work closely with global cross-functional teams to understand the test requirements and take ownership of product quality.

Plan/design/execute/report/automate test plan/test case/test reports.

Manage bug lifecycle and co-work with inter-groups to drive for solutions

Automate test cases.

In-house repro and verify customer issues/fixes

What we need to see:

BS or higher degree or equivalent experience in CS/EE/CE or equivalent with 5+ years QA experience

Proficient Linux experience and shell/python programming skills

Rich experience in test cases development, tests automation and failure analysis

Good QA sense, knowledge and experience in software testing

Problem solving skills

Excellent communicator, both written and verbal

Good teamwork with ability to work independently

Passion to learn new hardcore technology

Ways to stand out from the crowd:

Experience working with NVIDIA GPU hardware is a strong plus

Background in parallel programming ideally CUDA/OpenCL is a plus

Experience with virtualization technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, Openstack
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