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V2EX  ›  hzlzh  ›  全部回复第 70 页 / 共 168 页
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2014-04-21 14:16:15 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
@qiuai 最近不玩手环了,接下来就是等 iWatch 了
2014-04-21 12:44:37 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
Dear Fitbit Customer:
We are conducting this recall due to reports of skin irritation from Force users.
While this has affected a small percentage of Force users, we care about you
and every one of our customers. The Fitbit team wants to apologize to anyone
Our voluntary recall was designed for the USA and Canada, the countries where
Force units were sold. We have developed the process below for our customers
in countries where our normal return process is not available.
Please follow the steps below to complete the refund process:
1. Immediately discontinue use of your Fitbit Force.
2. Cut your Force wristband above the holes (see
photograph at right).
3. Take a picture of the cut Force alongside a piece of paper
with the date written on it.
4. Print the enclosed Certificate of Disposal/Destruction.
5. Destroy, recycle, or dispose of your Force in compliance
with any applicable laws or requirements governing
electronic waste.
6. Complete the Certificate of Disposal/Destruction
7. Email the completed Certificate of Disposal/Destruction, the picture of your
Force, and your contact information including: Full Name, address, city,
state/provence, postal code and country and phone number to
[email protected].
8. Once all information is returned a reimbursement check will be issued and
sent to you in US Dollars within 2‐6 weeks.
Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.
Fitbit, Inc.
2014-04-21 12:35:52 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
Fitbit recently announced a voluntary recall of the Fitbit Force in the US and Canada.
If you are outside the US or Canada you can take part in the recall and receive your
refund by contacting our refund processor at [email protected]. In your
email, please provide your full name and mailing address.

We’d like to stress that the recall is strictly voluntary; if you’re enjoying
your Force and aren’t experiencing any issues, you’re free to continue using
your Force.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.
2014-04-21 12:34:32 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
@saymoon 多谢,我这就去弄,好了给大家反馈
2014-04-21 11:31:52 +08:00
回复了 chenluois 创建的主题 程序员 想做一批热解石墨磁悬浮套件,不知有没有需求
2014-04-21 09:49:50 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
@chenluois 是的,前几个月配戴很干燥的,后来弄湿了也还带着,和皮肤接触太多就出现了症状。
2014-04-21 00:48:33 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
@Sivan 能退啊,我觉得国内寄到美国太折腾
2014-04-20 23:45:44 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
@MayLava 我也觉得奇怪,不知道是不是心里作用,还是和汗液或者洗发液产生了反应。
@sethverlo 目前没有选择退货,太麻烦了,放包里还是能用的。
2014-04-20 23:42:31 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force

仅供参考:特别注意,我不是一开始就过敏,戴了好几个月,突然一天发生了,感觉是 Force 后面金属部分遇水产生什么化学物质造成的,所以最初没有问题。
2014-04-20 23:34:00 +08:00
回复了 hzlzh 创建的主题 健康 提醒大家注意:手腕镍过敏,已经停止配戴 fitbit Force
@sethverlo 不是我火星,我是第一批用户,之前戴了很久一直没有事,3个周前看到过敏的新闻,当时还幸灾乐祸的发了 tweet,然后1周后我手腕就过敏了,红色皮疹状。
2014-04-19 00:57:10 +08:00
回复了 iinterest 创建的主题 问与答 求推荐一个 Mac OSX 下类似 fiddler 的应用
Best-App ★★★★☆推荐:Charles 抓包代理调试工具、类 Fiddler
2014-04-19 00:46:57 +08:00
回复了 kodango 创建的主题 Alfred 分享两个常用的 Alfred Workflow
不错啊,提交到 Alfredworkflow.com
2014-04-19 00:43:19 +08:00
回复了 yxjxx 创建的主题 Linux 来晒晒你使用过的 Linux 命令的 top 10 吧!
1 1779 23.6349% grunt
2 1140 15.1455% cd
3 767 10.19% ls
4 367 4.87578% npm
5 340 4.51707% git
6 315 4.18493% open
7 280 3.71994% ssh
8 277 3.68009% brew
9 275 3.65351% wget
10 230 3.05567% ping
2014-04-18 00:49:21 +08:00
回复了 bu 创建的主题 分享发现 卧槽,。。。。。中奖了!!
2014-04-17 23:53:18 +08:00
回复了 Showfom 创建的主题 互联网 秀一下我的部分网络资产
@Showfom 建议把已经出的也晒上来,做就要做霸气外漏。
2014-04-17 19:10:54 +08:00
回复了 xhat 创建的主题 macOS 大家在 mac 下都用什么看图软件?
@jsonline 我很负责的告诉你,xee 支持触摸板滚动图片轮转切换
2014-04-16 12:55:01 +08:00
回复了 WildCat 创建的主题 问与答 求 OS X 下屏幕录像工具,Windows 下也求一个
Mac BestApp ★★★☆ 推荐:ScreenFlow
2014-04-15 00:01:35 +08:00
回复了 xLzgkddTywk9ALsX 创建的主题 问与答 域名悲剧被墙,想了一个办法,大家给看看能行不?
如果a.com 在国内被reset,就没有办法避开第一步了,DNS已经污染是最高程度的墙
2014-04-14 21:32:29 +08:00
回复了 gouera 创建的主题 分享发现 chrome 的地址栏竟然可以当计算器用...
alfred 更迅速
@Showfom 另外 千万别贴膜
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