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2023-04-14 10:57:46 +08:00
回复了 oktony 创建的主题 MacBook Pro macbook 一定要买带发票的吗?
机器没有拆修、不是资源机、第三方翻新机等 Apple 不提供售后的机器,售后要发票只是走个形式,真要也可以补

绝大部分地区 Apple 售后是不需要提供购买凭证的,但某些情况例外,例如 1 、如果机器附有 AppleCare+,需要用到 AC+ 里的意外损坏换新服务; 2 、怀疑为客户人为造成的故障; 3 、因为地区法规扩大的质保范围,例如内地三包的第二年主要硬件质保等等

内地售后经常被要求提供购买凭证是因为华强北货太多了,很多可能卖给最终客户的商家都不清楚机器的原始来源渠道,客户自始至终被蒙在鼓里 > 直到机器故障去售后 > 售后不要求提供凭证直接返厂 > 工厂发现机器被拆修过据保退回 > 客户巨大的心理落差,很容易与售后网点产生纠纷。
所以某些被拒率高的网点会直接要求先提供凭证才给返厂质保,这其中也存在利益关联,第三方网点相比自营 Apple Store 会更严格一些,因为理论上 Apple 产品是可以全球联保的,但是很多第三方网点本身就是当地的苹果经销商,在当地商圈有门店,与其它销售渠道是竞争关系,会故意劣化非官方、自己销售渠道的产品售后体验,返厂后被拒保网点也会产生额外支出
2023-03-25 21:48:53 +08:00
回复了 zqwonderboy 创建的主题 Apple MagSafe 充电基座
@lqcc 温度决定速度,实际差距远比纸面参数小,甚至倒挂。我用了这么久对充电速度没有任何不满,相比之下,其它充电器充电导致的手机发烫更令人不悦,PD 的设计相比 Apple 更优雅、实用,可以单手取放


「 When buying wireless chargers there's a lot of misplaced emphasis on the charger's wattage rating. It's an easy stat to be misled by: 15W is almost twice as powerful as 7.5W, so it must be twice as fast, right? Nope, not even close. And we're not just saying that, we've tested the snot out of it.

Some phone manufacturers have proprietary charging protocols (Apple 15W, Samsung 15W) that are not obtainable by 3rd party manufacturers. This means when you put an Apple phone on, say, a PD Wireless Charging Stand, the max charging wattage you'll reach is 7.5W and not 15W. That sounds like a big difference, but in practice (and over numerous lab tests) the relative charging performance is quite similar. In practice, the difference between charging speed with an Apple charger and a Peak Design charger are imperceptible.

The main reason for this is that most phones cannot sustain these high charge powers for more than a short period of time before they heat up and need to reduce charge power for the long remainder of the total charging time. In other words, just because a charger is 15W doesn't mean it always charges your phone at 15W. Most of the time, it will charge your phone at a much lower wattage.

In practice, the time it takes to fully charge your phone depends on a huge range of factors. Your phone model, battery age, power source, case-charger alignment, and—most importantly,—ambient temperature all affect charging speed. Wireless charging is not as fast as corded charging no matter what charger or phone model you may have. If you want the best performance possible you should try and keep your charger as cool as possible. 」
- https://support.peakdesign.com/hc/en-us/articles/5351084746260
2023-03-25 15:57:36 +08:00
回复了 zqwonderboy 创建的主题 Apple MagSafe 充电基座
@wangedenr 这个是 MagSafe 15w ,iOS 会自动控温,发热也会影响实际充电速度,不要只看纸面参数
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