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5 天前
回复了 Gorvens 创建的主题 OpenAI Meta Llama 3 可以在线体验了
确实不如 kimi

我问:理想 mega 怎么样?市场反应如何? ceo 后续又干了什么?

You're asking about the ideal MEGA (Mega Limited) and its market reaction, as well as what the CEO did afterwards! 😊
MEGA is a cloud storage and file hosting service founded in 2013 by Kim Dotcom, a German-Finnish internet entrepreneur. The company is headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand.
**Ideal MEGA:**
MEGA's ideal vision is to provide a secure, private, and user-friendly cloud storage platform that allows users to store, share, and access their files from anywhere, at any time. The company focuses on protecting user data with end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only the user has access to their files.
**Market Reaction:**
When MEGA launched in 2013, it received significant attention due to its focus on privacy and security. The service quickly gained popularity, especially among users concerned about online privacy and surveillance. In the first year, MEGA attracted over 15 million users and stored more than 38 million files.
However, the company also faced challenges, such as:
1. **Competition:** MEGA entered a crowded market dominated by established players like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive.
2. **Security concerns:** Despite its emphasis on security, MEGA faced criticism for its encryption methods and potential vulnerabilities.
3. **Legal issues:** As a result of Kim Dotcom's past legal troubles (he was arrested in 2012 for alleged copyright infringement related to his previous company, Megaupload), MEGA faced scrutiny from governments and law enforcement agencies.
**CEO's Next Moves:**
After launching MEGA, Kim Dotcom stepped down as CEO in 2015 due to ongoing legal battles. He remained involved with the company as a figurehead and advocate for online privacy.
In 2016, Dotcom announced plans to list MEGA on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) through an initial public offering (IPO). However, the listing was delayed several times due to regulatory issues and concerns about the company's financial performance.
In 2020, Dotcom sold a majority stake in MEGA to a group of investors led by a New Zealand-based private equity firm. He remains involved with the company as a non-executive director.
Today, MEGA continues to operate as a cloud storage service, focusing on providing secure and private storage solutions for individuals and businesses. While it faces intense competition in the market, MEGA remains committed to its core values of privacy, security, and user control. 🔒💻

kimi 回答:
理想 MEGA 是理想汽车旗下的一款纯电 MPV 车型,其市场反应和后续动态如下:


理想 MEGA 发布后,市场对其反应复杂。一方面,MEGA 的定价较高,指导价格为 55.98 万元,这超出了市场预期,导致消费者在购买时产生犹豫,影响了销量。
另一方面,MEGA 的造型设计引发了争议,部分消费者认为其过于独特,不符合主流审美。
CEO 李想的后续行动:

面对 MEGA 的市场反应和股价下跌,李想采取了多项措施。首先,他承认了 MEGA 在节奏和目标上的判断失误,将重新审视 MEGA 的定价策略,并根据市场反馈进行调整。
李想还强调了加强与消费者的沟通,提升 MEGA 的认知度和接受度,同时加强品牌建设,提升品牌形象和美誉度。

理想 MEGA 的价格经历了调整,从 55.98 万元直接下调为 52.98 万元,这是为了应对市场反应和提升销量。

李想在朋友圈发文,对理想 MEGA 上市以来的各种舆论情况作出回应,表明了对 MEGA 的信心。
理想汽车在 MEGA 上市后,还面临了其他品牌的市场挑战,如小鹏 X9 、腾势 D9 等车型销量回升,反映出部分潜在客户可能已从 Mega 转向其他品牌。
综上所述,理想 MEGA 的市场反应并不如预期,理想汽车和其 CEO 李想已经采取了一系列措施来应对当前的挑战,并对未来的产品战略进行了调整。
6 天前
回复了 TimLang 创建的主题 全球工单系统 码云的仓库挂了
看来码云的用户是真的少,我看 v2 上这都几乎没人聊这事
@xtreme1 #8 我不太懂这个,每次看都感觉要么大颗粒,要么颜色不正常。不知道如果用 potplayer 的话如何解决呢?
请问下有没有界面和操作跟 potplayer 差不多,但是可以正确播放比如 hdr 、杜比等等的 Windows 播放器?
16 天前
回复了 lstz 创建的主题 程序员 不解,为什么程序员做产品一定要出海?
@jlkm2010 #53
icp 许可证呢?你的 app 不会都是纯免费的吧?
17 天前
回复了 lstz 创建的主题 程序员 不解,为什么程序员做产品一定要出海?
icp 也能 4 天办下了?
18 天前
回复了 746970179 创建的主题 Android 有点想吹一吹 vivo 的系统了
从 mix4 换到 x100 不到一个月就卖了,继续用 mix4 等 8gen4 的小米新机。
1. 从桌面的时间小组件点时间竟然是进到世界时间而不是闹铃列表。我不知道 vivo 的大部分用户是不是对世界时间的需求比闹铃更多。
2. 小米的静音就是真静音,全部静音。但是 vivo 的静音是仅来电和通知静音,媒体声音不静音。如果开勿扰模式,确实都静音了,但是震动也给我关了……
3. 不知道为什么负一屏没有快递列表,对于我来说那负一屏就没有意义了。
4. 设置闹铃时,还得点开列表,然后再勾选工作日闹铃,很麻烦。

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