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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[上海]-[不加班]-[外企] 招 Java 、测试、C++、 Python 、安卓

  •   xsldebugger · 2022-05-13 10:58:07 +08:00 · 922 次点击
    这是一个创建于 867 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    • 内推别人给我,成功送 5000 内推费!


    MicroFocus 成立于 1976 年,于 2017 年完成了与 HPE 的合并,是全球性的软件专营公司之一。

    上海研发中心位于浦东新区张江高科技园(中科路地铁站),是 Micro Focus 在全球几个主要的研发中心之一,成立于 2008 年 11 月。现在有 600 多位工程师, 致力于多款主打软件产品的研发,产品主要包含 LoadRunner Professional, LoadRunner Cloud, ALM, UFT(QTP), Service Manager, 等,其中一些如 UFT ,LoadRunner 是目前市场占有率第一的软件。


    • 不加班( 9-6-5 ,周末从不加班,建议具体部门面试时再次确认)
    • 14 薪(写进 offer )+ 年薪 5% 左右浮动的奖金
    • 14 天年假
    • 可申请人才引进落沪
    • 可申请人才公寓
    • 公司给员工配意外险,医疗险,寿险,重疾险, 看病基本不花钱
    • 补充公积金


    • Intermediate 对应初中级,应该不到 18K
    • Specialist 对应中高级,区间大概是 18-25K 左右
    • Expert 对应高级、资深,区间大概是 25-38K 左右

    简历投递(联系方式请通过 base64 转换)

    请直接将简历发送到 [email protected] 格式如下:

    邮件标题: 平台或渠道-内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三 简历名称: xiansheng Lu 内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 xiansheng Lu 内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三

    若没有收到回复,请加微信 MTgyMjE1MDg5MjE= 备注 平台或渠道-内推-职级职位,如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-Expert

    职位列表(链接请通过 base64 转)

    这里仅仅列出 Key Requirements, 完整 JD 戳知乎 aHR0cHM6Ly96aHVhbmxhbi56aGlodS5jb20vcC80NzE3NjQ5NzU=拉钩 aHR0cHM6Ly9tLmxhZ291LmNvbS93bi9nb25nc2kvMzE2NTE1Lmh0bWw=

    PPM Java Engineer / Expert / 7023131

    Key Requirements:

    • BS/MS in Computer Science or related work experience
    • 5+ years in software industry including participation in a few enterprise-class projects
    • Proficient in Java, e.g., Java threading model and JVM
    • Good knowledge in large-scale web application deployment (IIS, JBoss, Tomcat, cluster, load balance, proxy etc) , experience in JMX, JMS, etc.
    • Proficient in J2EE Servlets, JSP and most of the popular frameworks. e.g., Spring, Hibernate, Struts;
    • Experience in Java and Oracle SQL performance turning
    • Good knowledge of algorithm and object oriented programming.

    UFTM Backend Engineer / Intermediate / 7023527

    Key Requirements:

    • Bachelor of Computer Science / Computer Engineering, or above.
    • Strong English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
    • Minimum 2 years of technical experience in enterprise software development.
    • Professional experience in web application in Java using Spring/REST API.
    • Strong background in JAVA backend and significant exposure to other technologies.
    • Good database knowledge.
    • Strong design skills.
    • Experienced in software security.

    UFTM Java & Android Engineer / Expert / 7024413

    Key Requirements:

    • Bachelor or master’s degree in Computer Science, Information System, Software Engineering or equivalent
    • At least 5 years working experience in Java
    • Solid Core Java programming skill
    • Enjoys difficult challenges, a problem solver.
    • Innovative/creative.
    • Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written).

    UFT Python/C++ Engineer / Expert / 7024626

    Key Requirements:

    • Bachelor in Computer Science / Computer Engineering
    • Minimum 3 years proven experience as a Software Developer
    • Minimum 1 years with C++ or Python
    • Strong application architecture understanding
    • Ability and will to influence – setting an agenda and striving to reach it. Results orientation
    • Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written)

    PE LR C++ / Specialist / 7024624

    Key Requirements:

    • Bachelor of Computer Science / Computer Engineering or higher
    • 2~5 years of experience as software developer, mainly in C++ area
    • Good English communication capabilities (verbal and writing)
    • Good background in modern C++. Exposure to other technologies is a plus, e.g. Web, JavaScript, debugging, TCP/IP/network programming, etc.
    • Familiar with Windows or Linux application development
    • OOP\OOD understanding and proven practice. Strong application architecture understanding
    • Understanding of modern Version Control tools, like Git

    ALM Octane QA Engineer / Intermediate/ 7022615

    Key Requirements:

    • BS or MS degree in Computer Science, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience
    • QA knowledge - Design and execute tests according to specs (requirements), report bugs, QA methodologies etc.)
    • Fluent oral and written English
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