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  •   txx · 2013-08-05 20:08:52 +08:00 · 4948 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4235 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    I am barrister John Ananse.I know this would come as a great surprise to you but I urge you to evaluate this opportunity carefully and then get back to me with an answer. I am contacting you to assist me with repatriating funds belonging to Late Mr Titus Tang, who happens to be my late client. The fund in question is currently in a dormant account in the holding bank where it was deposited. The reason I am contacting you is because you share the same last name with the deceased. I am also aware that you might not be directly related to him but having the same last name gives us an advantage and opportunity. If you are interested, get back to me and I will give you all other neccessary information regarding this on condition of complete discretion on your part. Get back to me for more information.

    Kindly get back to me with the following information

    Full Name:
    Contact Address:
    Valid Phone Number:
    Date Of Birth:

    Best Regards

    John Ananse


    I'm so surprised!
    What can I do for you?
    Just provide the Informations?
    But, How could i trust you?

    Best Regards

    Eric Tang


    Dear Eric,

    Many thanks for accepting to work with me in this project and I assure you, you will never regret it. Similarly I implore you to keep all information related to this transaction confidential for any leakage of information might cause us unnecessary set back. I am confident that we would be able to work in truth and spirit without any atom of greed to cheat on each other or to pull a double-cross on me when the money is released and transferred to your account. Before I proceed with further details about this, let me tell you more about myself:

    I am Barrister John Ananse, I live at No° 18 Kpalime road, Lome-Togo. I am married to a wonderful woman and blessed with four kids, My wife Carol Ananse is a nurse and works with the general hospital here in Lome. I am a legal practioner and was personal attorney to late Mr. Titus Tang. I will finally come over to your country as soon as this funds gets into your account as a legitimate next of kin to my late client.and also I plan to retire at the conclusion of this transaction.

    I want you to understand that your potentials and credibility arouse my interest in you hence I contacted you and please do maintain your worth as this transaction will likely bring us together to meet one on one. I would also use this opportunity to let you know that there is no risk involved in this transaction. The laws of my country are very clear on transfer of inheritance of a deceased person to next of kin and we shall handle every matter legally according to our laws and I shall handle every legal matters myself in order to make sure we secure a successful transfer of the inheritance to you.

    The bank sent me a notice for resolution or forfeit the fund (USD10.5M) and estate in accordance with the abandoned property decree. This is an opportunity that comes once in a life time and I have decided to make good use of it. I sincerely hope that we will work together in truth without having no atom of greed to cheat on each other as I do believe that this business will certainly bring us together for good business and friend relationship.

    Please note that I shall provide you with all the necessary documentation of proof which the finance security company will demand from you such as the deposit certificate, death certificate. Those documents of proof shall be sent to you via email attachment when you supply your information as requested below which will demostrate your willingness to work with me. Therefore, the informations that I need are as follows;

    1. Your Full Name:
    2. Contact Address (Office or home not P.O Box):
    3. Valid Phone Number: Skype ID (If Any)
    4. Your Occupation:
    5. Your marital status
    6. Date Of Birth

    As soon as I get those information, I shall prepare your file here in my chambers and include you as the relative of my late client before proceeding to register you with the firm as my late client relative for the release of his outstanding deposit to you.

    Attached are my id and call to bar certificate for your view and for transparancy sake. I would be inclined that we reach a gentleman's agreement on 50/50 sharing ratio for this money once it is in your custody;however we can also both endorse a Memorandum of Understanding stating our terms of agreement if you so wish.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best wishes

    John Ananse

    然后还附带了两个附件,xxxx.a 我第一反应是静态链接库= =

    我知道这种情况 一般都是假的,我还收到过 要给我转几十万京巴布韦顿的邮件。只是他们的骗钱方式是什么呢?

    9 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2013-08-05 20:24:16 +08:00

       2013-08-05 21:03:13 +08:00
    @9hills 我明明在逗他玩 他好认真的样子
       2013-08-05 21:34:02 +08:00
       2013-08-05 21:38:08 +08:00
       2013-08-05 21:51:35 +08:00
       2013-08-05 21:53:05 +08:00
    @shiny 原来这个是有出处的 长见识了! 非常感谢
       2013-08-05 21:54:16 +08:00
    @AstroProfundis 我调戏今天这个 已经累趴了 回我的邮件各种长篇大论的 感觉跟上 英语正式文写作一样
       2013-08-05 21:56:50 +08:00
    @txx 2333333333333333333333

    @shiny 看到后面的搞笑诺贝尔文学奖笑尿了
       2014-03-07 12:37:45 +08:00
    @txx 骗子用的都是机器自动回复,已准备好模板信。你回复他,他的软件自动给你回模板信。盈利模式:从上百万人中找一个傻瓜。 只要一个傻瓜的付出足够cover他开电脑用软件发信的成本就他就赚钱。就目前看来,这行业还是赚钱的。
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