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DaVinci Resolve 今日发布 17.1 更新,支持 Apple Silicon,宣称高达 5 倍性能提升

  •   wydinhk · 2020-11-13 16:44:40 +08:00 · 935 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1332 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    DaVinci Resolve 17.1 Beta 1 offers universal app support for M1 powered Macs to provide better performance on small laptops. Plus the unified memory architecture on M1 enables DaVinci Resolve 17.1 to leverage the power of CPU and GPU processing more effectively, avoiding the need for PCI Express transfers. Significantly, the combination of M1, Metal processing and DaVinci Resolve 17.1 offers up to 5 times better performance when compared to previous generation computers. DaVinci Resolve 17.1 is also compatible with macOS Big Sur, and is initially only available for Mac.

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