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🔥[新加坡] [技术移民机会] 知名海外直播产品公司,招聘高级 Computer Graphics 算法工程师,网络传输算法工程师,机器学习工程师(网络传输方向)等高级算法工程师职位

  •   ly1574 · 2020-08-13 18:41:39 +08:00 · 1754 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1662 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    新加坡税极低,比如税前折合人民币 100 万,在没做减免项扣除的情况下,税后 90 万左右( 894250 );年薪越高跟国内税率差距越大。

    公司提供 EP (新加坡专业人士工作准证),提供配偶和子女的 DP (家属准证,配偶可在新加坡工作)。


    有意可发简历到: sophia.liu@dadaconsultants.com

    Senior Computer Graphics Algorithm Engineer

    1.Perform R&D of the state-of-art computer graphics and animation techniques.
    2.Utilize machine learning / deep learning tools to solve computer graphics problems.
    3.Follow up state-of-art work in related fields and implementation of new functions based on the requirements for our products.

    1.M.S. or Ph.D. degree in computer science, mathematics or related fields.
    2.Strong C/C++ programing skill.
    3.Solid mathematics knowledge, i.e. calculus, linear algebra, numerical optimization, statistics and etc.
    4.Familiar with OpenGL and real-time rendering techniques.
    5.R&D experience in computer graphics, animation or 3d reconstruction.
    6.Strong problem-solving and teamwork skills.Preferred

    1.Publications in leading peer-reviewed CG/CV/AI conferences.
    2.Geometry processing, deformation, motion capture and facial animation.
    3.Experience in popular rendering engine, i.e. Unity3D, Unreal, and etc.
    4.Experience in machine learning techniques and popular deep learning frameworks.

    Network Transmission Algorithm Engineer

    1. Develop and optimize network transmission algorithm, such as congestion control, loss recovery, jitter algorithm, adaptive bitrate streaming
    2. Design and develop QoE metrics, utilize data to drive algorithm design and optimization
    3. Take the responsibility in network transmission of VoD, live streaming, RTC, VoIP and data center

    1. Master or PhD degree in computer science, digital signal processing, similar technical field of study or equivalent practical experience
    2. Familiar with computer network related domain knowledge and concepts and protocols
    3. Good software development experience in C/C++, hands-on expertise and smart
    4. Experiences in algorithm design, problem solving and complexity analysis
    5. Good communication and teamwork skills
    6. Fast learner and strong analytical and problem-solving skills

    Preferred Skills:
    1. Experiences in congestion control, adaptive bitrate control, real-time audio/video transmission control, streaming media system
    2. Experiences in network emulation/simulation tools and network measurement
    3. Experiences in network trace and traffic analysis
    4. Publications in peer-reviewed top networking orcommunication conferences
    5. Familiar with using machine learning tools like PyTorch, MXNet, Tensorflow, etc.
    6. Familiar with mobile app development or algorithm optimization on ARM platform

    Senior Machine Learning Algorithm Engineer (Network Transmission)

    1. Apply Machine Learning (DL/RL) tools to design/optimize/deploy algorithms for network transport tasks over a variety of network types, e.g. wired/wireless/3G/4G
    2. Apply Machine Learning/Data Mining tools to conduct in-depth and interpretable data analytics for both operational log traces as well as network data measurements, in order to assist optimizing algorithm design and methodology improvement
    3. Conduct comprehensive and in-depth literature survey and gain better understanding of SOTA methodologies and most advanced techniques in the related area, and support and collaborate with other teams

    1. Bachelor or Master Degree in computer science, computer engineering, similar technical field of study or equivalent practical experience
    2. Experienced in Machine Learning (Deep Learning) related frameworks and tools such as Pytorch/MXNet/Tensorflow, etc; and/or familiar with reinforcement learning related algorithms and frameworks
    3. Proficient in at least one of the prevalent programming languages, such as Python/C/C++, and smart and hands-on
    4. Strong in algorithmic design, analytical and problem-solving skills5. Quick learner,sharp mind and good communication and teamwork skills

    Preferred Skills:
    1. Publications (first author) in top tier Machine Learning conference (Journal), and/or
    2. Publications (first author) in peer-reviewed top networking or communication conferences;
    3. Familiar with/experienced in Reinforcement Learning related algorithms and technology
    4. Familiar with computer networks domain knowledge, such as protocols, network emulation/simulation tools and network measurement trace analysis
    5. Winners (major contributor if working as a team) in Kaggle-like open data analytics competitions
    3 条回复    2020-08-14 01:24:44 +08:00
       2020-08-13 18:49:05 +08:00
       2020-08-14 01:13:55 +08:00 via Android
    @wwwjfy 前提是有国家愿意跟他共享税务信息
       2020-08-14 01:24:44 +08:00
    @democracier 新加坡就是啊
    搜下 CRS 包含的国家
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