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换了无线网卡,连不上公司的 WiFi

  •   tankren · 2019-09-23 11:22:40 +08:00 · 1015 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1848 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    之前是笔记本自带的 Intel 8265,一切都很好但是我为了玩黑苹果换成了 DW1820A。
    现在黑苹果下面 DW1820A 完美了但是在 Windows 下连不上公司的 WiFi。
    公司的 WiFi 是 WPA2-Enterprise+AES。认证方式是用户或计算机证书。AP 是 Cisco 的 5G 但是工作在 802.11n 。
    症状就是 connecting 很久然后报错 cannot connect to this network。
    netsh wlanreport 看到就是一直在认证,每次都是成功的,但是一段时间后就说 WLAN AutoConfig service failed to connect to a wireless network.

    2088	2019-09-23T10:47:29	
    [+]User Uses Saved Credentials.
    2089	2019-09-23T10:47:29	
    [+]EAP session is completing during the authentication phase.
    100	2019-09-23T10:47:29	
    [+]Authentication succeeded for EAP method type 13.
    12012	2019-09-23T10:47:29	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication succeeded.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Identity: [email protected]
    User: LIGHT
    Domain: LIGHT
    11004	2019-09-23T10:47:32	
    [+]Wireless security stopped.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Security Hint: The operation was successful.
    11010	2019-09-23T10:47:32	
    [+]Wireless security started.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Authentication: WPA2-Enterprise
    Encryption: AES-CCMP
    FIPS Mode: Disabled
    802.1x Enabled: Yes
    12014	2019-09-23T10:47:32	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication was restarted.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Eap Information: Type 13, Vendor ID 0, Vendor Type 0, Author ID 0
    Restart Reason: Peer Initiated
    12014	2019-09-23T10:47:32	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication was restarted.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Eap Information: Type 13, Vendor ID 0, Vendor Type 0, Author ID 0
    Restart Reason: Peer Initiated
    12011	2019-09-23T10:47:32	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication started.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Eap Information: Type 13, Vendor ID 0, Vendor Type 0, Author ID 0
    2088	2019-09-23T10:47:32	
    [+]User Uses Saved Credentials.
    2089	2019-09-23T10:47:33	
    [+]EAP session is completing during the authentication phase.
    100	2019-09-23T10:47:33	
    [+]Authentication succeeded for EAP method type 13.
    12012	2019-09-23T10:47:33	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication succeeded.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Identity: [email protected]
    User: LIGHT
    Domain: LIGHT
    11004	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]Wireless security stopped.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Security Hint: The operation was successful.
    11010	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]Wireless security started.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Authentication: WPA2-Enterprise
    Encryption: AES-CCMP
    FIPS Mode: Disabled
    802.1x Enabled: Yes
    12014	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication was restarted.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Eap Information: Type 13, Vendor ID 0, Vendor Type 0, Author ID 0
    Restart Reason: Peer Initiated
    12014	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication was restarted.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Eap Information: Type 13, Vendor ID 0, Vendor Type 0, Author ID 0
    Restart Reason: Peer Initiated
    12011	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication started.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Eap Information: Type 13, Vendor ID 0, Vendor Type 0, Author ID 0
    2088	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]User Uses Saved Credentials.
    2089	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]EAP session is completing during the authentication phase.
    100	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]Authentication succeeded for EAP method type 13.
    12012	2019-09-23T10:47:36	
    [+]Wireless 802.1x authentication succeeded.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Identity: [email protected]
    User: LIGHT
    Domain: LIGHT
    11004	2019-09-23T10:47:39	
    [+]Wireless security stopped.
    Network Adapter: Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac
    Interface GUID: {dff1e3c4-a59c-4343-87e7-d23fe8fd3c5a}
    Local MAC Address: 30:52:CB:E6:E6:ED
    Network SSID: stwianlxxxx
    BSS Type: Infrastructure
    Security Hint: The operation was successful.
    8002	2019-09-23T10:47:40	
    [+]WLAN AutoConfig service failed to connect to a wireless network.
       2019-09-23 12:42:55 +08:00
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