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GoDaddy cries foul; wants to reverse Groupon coupon

  •   idos · 2012-12-30 22:13:39 +08:00 · 2662 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4301 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    A very upset Bob Parsons lashed out at “opportunistic domainers” and “cheapskate folks“, earlier this morning.

    The founder and former CEO of GoDaddy, visibly dejected by the ability of some domain investors to max out a promotional Groupon offer, is still on the GoDaddy board of directors.

    “G*d damn it, do I look like an idiot, trying to steal from me? It was 1 coupon per person per visit, not three dozen g*d damn coupons!” exclaimed the former US Marine.

    “So you think it’s g*d damn cool to take GoDaddy money and try to fool us?” he added.

    As leaked on several domain blogs, the Groupon code allowed many crafty domainers to make up to 40 purchases, and use the coupon in combination with 99 cent registrations; for as little as 25 cents and reaping dozens of domains.

    This mass domain registration apparently hurt GoDaddy in the financial gonads, something particularly important due to the pending fiscal cliff and current bad economy.

    GoDaddy now wants to reverse these coupons and they are holding a meeting first thing on Monday, last day of the year, to make a decision. It is expected to be a very intense discussion.

    The coupons expire at the end of February, 2013.
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