我希望这个博客工具,集成了画流程图、时序图、UML 图的工具,类似 confluence,随时能修改。 同时其他博客基本功能,博客发布都需要很好用。 而不像大多数博客平台那样,只能贴一张图,什么时候自己想编辑了, [找不到流程图的源文件] ,就没办法修改那张图。
wordpress?(太重了) jekyll?
Tink 2019-01-12 17:21:15 +08:00 via iPhone
Williamp 2019-01-16 14:20:14 +08:00
WordPress blog platform is easy to user because it comes with built in plugins as well as other good paid plugin too https://geekybytes.net/7-amazing-plugins-that-help-you-to-manage-multiple-wordpress-sites.html . So if you have basic technical knowledge then it is enough to use WordPress as the blogging platform. As well as it is free to use.