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顶尖外资互联网公司--资深产品经理 Product Owner 岗位--地点:上海

  •   MPAmber · 2018-05-29 10:50:26 +08:00 · 662 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2330 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    顶尖外资互联网公司招聘一位 Product Owner 啦,


    1. 互联网产品经验以及过往工作经验中,你在产品发展中担任的角色
    2. 英文的工作沟通能力,与国外产品经理的业务沟通能力

    以下是这个职位的 JD 介绍:

    Product Owner

    As a Product Owner you are part of our newly formed China Product team in Shanghai. Your responsibility includes helping to identify the business opportunities and user pain points relevant to Chinese outbound travel.

    Join us and support Booking.com BV ’ s #1 accommodation platform with some of the industry ’ s smartest people!

    You will constantly work on product roadmaps, find and test improvements to maximize the commercial impact in line with the global product strategy set by Booking.com B.V. in Amsterdam. Your ability to drive innovation forward at a fast pace and respond quickly to new learnings and available data and adapt rapidly is essential for success in this role. On a daily basis, you will work diligently with designers, developers, copywriters and other POs to deliver the highest standard of user experience for Chinese travellers' both pre and post booking.

    This position will be based in our Shanghai office.

    B.responsible • Help identifying customers ’ behaviors and needs through research and analysis. • Take full ownership of the product, the prioritization of new features and enhancements to existing features in line with the strategy set by Booking.com B.V. • Empower and collaborate with your team to unlock their full potential. • Analyze, understand and share learnings from experimentation to build a strong knowledge base of the product. • Thrive to achieve optimal implementation of changes made to the product. • Contribute to the growth of Booking.com through interviewing, on-boarding, or other recruitment efforts

    B.Skilled • Strong commercial focus and the ability to prioritize tasks accordingly. • An ability to translate business needs into business opportunities which can be executed in small steps, and prioritize them according to business value and impact. • Data driven, customer focused, proactive, creative and innovative. • Experience supporting new commercial offerings in a B2B setting. • A proven track record of 3+ years at an internet- based company. • Pragmatic and results-focused; driven to manage projects full cycle. • Able to work well independently and within a team; good communication skills with a ” can do ” attitude toward problem solving. • Experience with the SCRUM methodology is a plus, but not required. • Experience in the travel industry is a plus. • Strong networking skills. • Ability to clearly outline &; present plan and future goals. • Open for input and feedback, while being able to influence people being challenged by change. • Ability to manage projects across multiple departments and stakeholders. • Strong leadership and communication skills. • Strategic thinker, able to balance long-term vision with short- and medium-term goals. • Fluent Chinese and English speaking


    优秀的你,如果有兴趣或者有疑问,可将简历发送至 [email protected], 详情可微信咨询 xiuxiuamber, 欢迎自荐或者推荐!

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