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React 16.3 Release

  •   dcalsky · 2018-03-30 08:53:16 +08:00 · 1260 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2388 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Link: https://github.com/facebook/react/releases/tag/v16.3.0

    16.3.0 (March 29, 2018)


    • Add a new officially supported context API. (@acdlite in #11818)
    • Add a new React.createRef() API as an ergonomic alternative to callback refs. (@trueadm in #12162)
    • Add a new React.forwardRef() API to let components forward their refs to a child. (@bvaughn in #12346)
    • Fix a false positive warning in IE11 when using React.Fragment. (@XaveScor in #11823)
    • Replace React.unstable_AsyncComponent with React.unstable_AsyncMode. (@acdlite in #12117)
    • Improve the error message when calling setState() on an unmounted component. (@sophiebits in #12347)

    React DOM

    • Add a new getDerivedStateFromProps() lifecycle and UNSAFE_ aliases for the legacy lifecycles. (@bvaughn in #12028)
    • Add a new getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() lifecycle. (@bvaughn in #12404)
    • Add a new <React.StrictMode> wrapper to help prepare apps for async rendering. (@bvaughn in #12083)
    • Add support for onLoad and onError events on the <link> tag. (@roderickhsiao in #11825)
    • Add support for noModule boolean attribute on the <script> tag. (@aweary in #11900)
    • Fix minor DOM input bugs in IE and Safari. (@nhunzaker in #11534)
    • Correctly detect Ctrl + Enter in onKeyPress in more browsers. (@nstraub in #10514)
    • Fix containing elements getting focused on SSR markup mismatch. (@koba04 in #11737)
    • Fix value and defaultValue to ignore Symbol values. (@nhunzaker in #11741)
    • Fix refs to class components not getting cleaned up when the attribute is removed. (@bvaughn in #12178)
    • Throw with a meaningful message if the component runs after jsdom has been destroyed. (@gaearon in #11677)
    • Don't crash if there is a global variable called opera with a null value. @alisherdavronov in #11854)
    • Don't check for old versions of Opera. (@skiritsis in #11921)
    • Deduplicate warning messages about <option selected>. (@watadarkstar in #11821)
    • Deduplicate warning messages about invalid callback. (@yenshih in #11833)
    • Deprecate ReactDOM.unstable_createPortal() in favor of ReactDOM.createPortal(). (@prometheansacrifice in #11747)
    • Don't emit User Timing entries for context types. (@abhaynikam in #12250)
    • Improve the error message when context consumer child isn't a function. (@raunofreiberg in #12267)
    • Improve the error message when adding a ref to a functional component. (@skiritsis in #11782)

    React DOM Server

    • Prevent an infinite loop when attempting to render portals with SSR. (@gaearon in #11709)
    • Warn if a class doesn't extend React.Component. (@wyze in #11993)
    • Fix an issue with this.state of different components getting mixed up. (@sophiebits in #12323)
    • Provide a better message when component type is undefined. (@HeroProtagonist in #11966)

    React Test Renderer

    • Fix handling of fragments in toTree(). (@maciej-ka in #12107 and @gaearon in #12154)
    • Shallow renderer should assign state to null for components that don't set it. (@jwbay in #11965)
    • Shallow renderer should filter legacy context according to contextTypes. (@koba04 in #11922)
    • Add an unstable API for testing asynchronous rendering. (@acdlite in #12478)

    React Is (New)

    • First release of the new package that libraries can use to detect different React node types. (@bvaughn in #12199)
    • Add ReactIs.isValidElementType() to help higher-order components validate their inputs. (@jamesreggio in #12483)

    React Lifecycles Compat (New)

    Create Subscription (New)

    React Reconciler (Experimental)

    • Expose react-reconciler/persistent for building renderers that use persistent data structures. (@gaearon in #12156)
    • Pass host context to finalizeInitialChildren(). (@jquense in #11970)
    • Remove useSyncScheduling from the host config. (@acdlite in #11771)

    React Call Return (Experimental)

    1 条回复    2018-03-30 09:31:08 +08:00
       2018-03-30 09:31:08 +08:00 via iPhone
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