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V2EX  ›  酷工作

招聘信息 - 固件测试职位(工作地点:上海, 4 年以上相关工作经验)

  •   jianwu · 2018-02-03 23:45:42 +08:00 · 1191 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2437 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    如果大家对下面职位感兴趣的话,可以发邮件到 [email protected]

    Position : Senior Firmware Engineer

    Location: Shanghai, China

    Job Description:

    You will join a R&D team in design, development, verification and release of best-in-class firmware to Microsemi PCI Express switching products. Shanghai team, as part of Microsemi global R&D, closely collaborates with geographical architecture, chip design, validation, marketing and application engineering teams for successful product delivery. You will be responsible for developing and verifying the firmware solution based on PCIe, NVMe and storage technology.


    • Understand firmware module design and implement the code and do unit test

    • Develop and execute verification test cases, and collect debug data

    • Use of storage testers, analyzer and other debug tools

    • Debug and resolve defects reported from internal and external teams

    Basic Qualifications:

    • Master or Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science

    • 4+ years working experience on Firmware development and verification

    • Strong C language programming and debugging

    • Excellent at both spoken and written English (passed CET-6)

    • Eager to learn, team-working, and good communications

    Preferred Qualifications:

    • Experience with SoC peripheral device driver development, I2C, UART, SMBUS, GPIO, Ethernet, DMA are plus

    • Experience with script language, Linux shell, TCL, Perl, Python, are plus

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