难道 blocks 不包含 content blocks? http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/006E0K83gy1fmctp8b9nyj30hs0jc401.jpg
elviscai 2017-12-11 16:02:04 +08:00 1
那个下面 FAQs 写了——
What is a content block? A content block is any single piece of content you add to your page, like a to-do item, an image, a code block, an embedded file, etc. Think of your page as being made up of these building blocks. 对比帮助—— https://www.notion.so/Blocks-overview-and-help-75cf8911271449feaf5333b91163e882 --- 我觉得:content block 是具体内容块的限制,block 则包括 page 等页面形式——即不限制页面数量,但限制了内容块的总数。 |