在看《 The Linux Programming Interface 》( Linux/Unix 系统编程手册)第 13 章,第 6 小节,其中的示例代码:
/* direct_read.c
Demonstrate the use of O_DIRECT to perform I/O bypassing the buffer cache
("direct I/O").
Usage: direct_read file length [offset [alignment]]
This program is Linux-specific.
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* Obtain O_DIRECT definition from <fcntl.h> */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd;
ssize_t numRead;
size_t length, alignment;
off_t offset;
char *buf;
if (argc < 3 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
usageErr("%s file length [offset [alignment]]\n", argv[0]);
length = getLong(argv[2], GN_ANY_BASE, "length");
offset = (argc > 3) ? getLong(argv[3], GN_ANY_BASE, "offset") : 0;
alignment = (argc > 4) ? getLong(argv[4], GN_ANY_BASE, "alignment") : 4096;
fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY | O_DIRECT);
if (fd == -1)
/* memalign() allocates a block of memory aligned on an address that
is a multiple of its first argument. By specifying this argument as
2 * 'alignment' and then adding 'alignment' to the returned pointer,
we ensure that 'buf' is aligned on a non-power-of-two multiple of
'alignment'. We do this to ensure that if, for example, we ask
for a 256-byte aligned buffer, we don't accidentally get
a buffer that is also aligned on a 512-byte boundary. */
buf = memalign(alignment * 2, length + alignment);
if (buf == NULL)
buf += alignment;
if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
numRead = read(fd, buf, length);
if (numRead == -1)
printf("Read %ld bytes\n", (long) numRead);
we ensure that 'buf' is aligned on a non-power-of-two multiple of 'alignment'.
请问这个用意是什么呢?(因为我感觉这是不必要的,为什么非得让 buf 的开始地址对其为非 2 的幂呢?)
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blahgeek 2016-09-20 17:15:23 +08:00
这个代码不希望指定 256 的时候分配一个其实是 512 对齐的内存,所以他分配一个 2*256 对齐,长度为 len+256 的内存,然后取偏移 256 后的地址,保证不是 512 对齐的
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hitmanx 2016-09-20 17:46:40 +08:00
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skydiver 2016-09-20 18:00:50 +08:00
很简单啊,因为磁盘的块大小是 512 字节,这个代码是故意分配一个不按照 512 对齐的 buf ,来展示一下这样会报错。
如果传 512 就不会报错,传 256 就会报错。 所以分配 256 的时候就故意不让它是 512 整数倍,这样才能给你看报错。 |