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Readability Reading Platform Coming Soon To Android – Available March 12th

  •   yutify · 2012-03-08 15:23:26 +08:00 · 7727 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4593 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    You can never have too many reader apps, that’s what I always say. Joining up with some of the greats such as Google Currents and Pulse currently available is newcomer, Readability, a reader app and service that will arrive in Google Play on March 12th.

    The app, already a hit on iOS, focuses on making cluttered webpages more readable but getting rid of all the fluff and leaving nothing but nice, clean, readable text for reading now, or later.

    Features include:

    Readability automatically turns web pages into a clean, elegant, single-column reading view. With beautiful typography provided by Hoefler & Frere-Jones, the reading experience in Readability is second-to-none.
    Too busy to read while on your web browser? Save any web page to Readability and it will be automatically saved on your web browser, iPhone or iPad. Once synced, your articles will be there for you – whether you’re online or offline.
    Readability is all about making it easy for you to enjoy reading. You can customize the reading view by adjusting type size, contrast and margins to your liking.
    Readability provides built-in native sharing support. You can post a favorite article along with your own comments on Facebook, Twitter or by email to your friends.
    Users of Readability enjoy an unlimited, searchable archive that syncs on the web. As soon as you’re done reading an article, simply tap it to archive.

    It will be made available free of charge and if you want to give it a spin, check the app section of Google Play on Monday.
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