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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[新加坡] 小伙伴们看过来,美国上市公司新组建后端开发团队,英语好, 4+yr 经验看过来

  •   panny35yoyo · 2016-05-31 16:52:33 +08:00 · 2682 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3049 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    我们是目前美国最大的在线旅游公司,由 Jay Walker 在 1998 年创立的一家基于 B2C 商业模式的旅游服务网站。在 Priceline 网站,最直观的可选项目就是机票、酒店、租车、旅游保险,现在新加坡等多个东南亚国家的开发团队积极吸纳国内 IT 人才,寻求有技术,英语好,且喜欢跨文化工作背景的小伙伴一起打造更适合中国用户的旅游产品!

    i. Job Title: Backend Engineer

    ii. Reporting to: Development Manager, Backend Systems

    iii. Responsibilities:

    We expect our engineers to think about the full life cycle of our products, and not just about a single piece of code. From customer requirements, technology selection to coding standards, agile development, unit and application testing. You might call yourself “ full stack ” or you might consider yourself an expert in a certain field, but you will have a keen interest in how the different systems work together.

    iv. Qualifications:

    Some of the technologies that we work with:
    1. Scala, C# or Java. You might have experience in other languages but are confident you can learn.
    2. Frontend technologies like Mocha, SAS and frameworks like Angular and Bootstrap (in addition to HTML and Javascript, of course).
    3. Data platforms like SQL, Cassandra or Hadoop. You understand that different applications have different data requirements.
    4. Core engineering infrastructure tools like Git for source control, Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Puppet for deployment.

    Please get in touch if you are experienced in any of the above technologies (note - we are not looking for you to have them all). We are interested in speaking to persons of any level from junior candidates to experts in their field.

    v. Location: Singapore

    关于职位的 Q&A :
    Q1 :应届生可以吗?
    A: 不行,海外工作签证必须全职工作满 2 年

    Q2 :薪资是多少?
    A :薪水是有竞争力的,现有薪水+relocate 生活费用+一定增长,上岗第一个月免费酒店住宿

    Q3 :英文不好的可以申请么?
    A :技术团队来自各个不同国家,英语是工作语言

    有兴趣及胜任者请与我联系。简历至: [email protected]
    4 条回复    2016-06-23 22:24:14 +08:00
       2016-05-31 19:15:44 +08:00 via iPhone
    没有 Android 吗
       2016-06-01 10:26:32 +08:00
    你是猎头? 看到你连发了 3 个海外职位的帖子。 而且主要是上一个 base 貌似是在泰国
       2016-06-01 18:30:34 +08:00   ❤️ 1
    @RangerWolf 我是公司招聘中心的,最近技术中心在新加坡急招人,才借此地发布技术类职位信息。对国内 IT 精英提供多一个海外工作的机会也好
       2016-06-23 22:24:14 +08:00
    我看到有 java 的 请问 clojure 是否可以 我是 5 年 python 打算转 clojure
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