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Hiring~~ Software Tool Engineer

  •   JohnnyzzZ · 2016-04-15 16:25:34 +08:00 · 1297 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3000 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    The complete design, development, and integration software components for audio tuning tools with C++ or C#. Strong software troubleshooting skills. Work closely with other team members to support car audio product development includes PM, controller SW engineer.
    1. Communication with global team for Audio SBU PC tool development
    2. Support GUI development for Audio parameter tuning and setting
    3. Support communication tools development with CAN/Uart/Ethernet interface
    4. Support maintaining the legacy audio tuning tool

    1. Major in electronics, software engineering, computer science or related
    2. Familiar with object orient design
    3. Familiar with Software engineering and development cycle, Agile development
    4. 3 years Minimum Experience
    5. Master degree preferred

    Required experience:
    1. Successful product design and deliver in a global team environment
    2. C/C++ development experience in PC or embed environment
    3. Experience in the driver for Communication protocol like UART, CAN or Ethernet is preferred
    4. Experience with software version control systems
    5. Good in Verbal and written communication skills

    Nice to have
    1. Experience in the audio industrial or digital signal processing
    2. Audiophile and passion for life
    3. Automotive diagnostic PC tool development

    For more information, please mail me via: [email protected]
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