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App Annie 招聘高级研发工程师,后端工程师,欢迎勾搭~

  •   appanniebj · 2016-03-02 15:22:54 +08:00 · 1537 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3043 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    如果对职位有兴趣,请发送英文简历至 [email protected] 或者加 QQ 925273863 咨询。尽量 24 小时之内给回复。

    在全球应用商店经济环境中, App Annie 一直处于市场情报及分析行业中的领导地位。超过 80%的 100 强 iOS 发行商们都倚仗于 App Annie 的数据产品来获知应用商店业务的信息,其中包括: EA 、 GREE 、 Storm8 、 微软以及诺基亚。
    我们向应用商店社区提供免费以及付费的产品。“ App Annie 分析” 产品可以让发行商追踪自己产品的下载量、收入、排名以及评价的情况。与此同时, App Annie 还允许任何一个人分析全球应用商店中的排名情况。而这些都是完全免费的。“ App Annie 情报”是我们的一款高端产品,其提供了目前所知最为精确的应用商店市场数据。
    App Annie 是一家私人持有的全球化公司,我们在北京、旧金山、香港、伦敦以及巴黎都设有分支机构。公司由来自美国、日本以及中国的投资机构支持,其中包括: Greycroft Partners 、 e.ventures 、 Infinity Venture Partners 以及 IDG Capital Partners 。
    我们以位于三里屯 SOHO 的顶级办公环境+竞争性的薪酬+六险一金+股票期权计划+近乎完美的福利报销制度(最新式的 MacBook Air/Pro+IPhone/IPad+健身费+宽带费+探亲费+学习鼓励费等)诚邀您的加盟!

    薪酬范围:总体来说 Annie 的薪水结构很健康,我们不仅有基本工资,年终奖以及全员持股计划,而且 Annie 每年提供两次 performance review 的机会(也就是说每 6 个月你就有一次机会和你的 line manager 去讨论你的职业规划以及薪水情况)。 Annie 的整体管理风格偏于扁平化,我们的薪水范围相对较大,也希望大家有个心理准备撒。。。

    1. Senior Engineer - Productivity

    Your responsibilities will include:

    Work with the infrastructure team to support the company level architecture roadmap
    Work with all the engineers teams to understand their pain point about productivity
    Create and maintain the roadmap of engineering productivity
    Optimising the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery systems
    Participate to user facing product development to boost the productivity
    Participate to the operations


    5+ years experience in software development
    Strong communication skill in English, both oral and written
    Good understanding of the WEB principal and full stack development
    Good skills in Shell/Python/Ruby
    Strong skills with Linux system administration (Ubuntu, debian)
    Experienced with Jenkins, Salt, Docker, Vagrant, Virtualbox
    A previous experience working with AWS is a big plus (EC2, SQS, S3)
    RDBMS experiences with PostgreSQL or Mysql is required
    Hands on experience in testing and deploying large scale server software
    Strong problem solving, analytical and troubleshooting skills

    2. Senior Software Engieer - full stack 方向


    You should be a strong engineer with significant experience in back--end system design, profiling and optimization (database / software design). You ’ ve worked at companies before at a management level and therefore know what it takes to lead, manage, mentor and train.

    5+ years computer development experience, or less experience if exceptional skills combined with a Computer Science degree

    Good communication skills with management experience

    Great mentor to junior and mid level engineers

    Passionate about and good understanding of development methodologies such as XP, Scrum and RUP

    Strong knowledge of Linux

    Good working knowledge of at least 2 of the following topics:

    Programming languages: Python (preferred) or C#, Java, PHP, Ruby

    Browser technologies: HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery

    DB development: PostgreSQL or other server database

    High performance computing: in--memory database, cloud computing, caching optimization techniques, cluster management, etc

    Data mining: statistics and data visualization (R, SPSS, SAS, Matlab, Mathematica, pandas, Tableau), analytics databases (Vertica, Sybase IQ, etc.)

    You must be a great problem solver, with the ability to dive deeply into complex problems and emerge with clear and pragmatic solutions

    Good English spoken and written skills. You will need to be able to work with Western managers in a bilingual environment.


    了解我们?! 上官网,上 linkedin
    联系我们?! 上拉钩、猎聘、 boss 直聘

    Salary Range: 25k - 40k + 期权 / 三餐免费 + 各种有意思的 Teambuilding base 在三里屯,只有想不到没有做不到!
    1 条回复    2016-03-07 23:10:11 +08:00
       2016-03-07 23:10:11 +08:00
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