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Thunderbird 有支持 PGP 的扩展么?扩展 Enigmail 貌似只支持 GPG,不支持 PGP...

  •   lenovo · 2015-05-26 22:40:27 +08:00 · 1347 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3420 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    PGP Command Line 10.3.2 build 12316
    Copyright (C) 2014 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.
    All rights reserved.
    Use of this product is subject to license terms.
    This Symantec product may contain open source and other third party materials
    that are subject to a separate license. Please see the applicable Third Party
    Notice at http://www.symantec.com/about/profile/policies/eulas/.
        --agent                   start the PGP agent (used for passphrase caching)
        --create-keyrings         create empty keyring files
     -h --help                    this help message
        --purge-all-caches        purge all the caches
        --purge-keyring-cache     purge the keyring cache
        --purge-passphrase-cache  purge the passphrase cache
        --speed-test              run the speed tests
        --version                 show version information
     -a --armor                   armor data
        --clearsign               clearsign data
        --decrypt                 decrypt data
     -b --detached                sign data and create a detached signature
        --dump-packets            list the packets in a PGP message
     -e --encrypt                 encrypt data
        --export-session-key      get the session key out of an encrypted message
        --list-archive            list the contents of a PGP archive
        --list-sda                list the contents of a self decrypting archive
     -s --sign                    sign data
     -c --symmetric               encrypt data with a symmetric cipher
        --verify                  verify PGP data
     -w --wipe                    securely delete data
        Key List:
        --fingerprint             list key fingerprints
        --fingerprint-details     list key fingerprints in detailed format
        --list-key-details        list keys in detailed format
     -l --list-keys               list keys in the basic format
        --list-keys-xml           list keys in XML format
        --list-sig-details        list signatures in detailed format
        --list-sigs               list keys, user IDs, and sigs in the basic format
        --list-userids            list keys and user IDs in the basic format
        Key Maintenance:
        --check-sigs              check the signatures on the local keyring
        --check-userids           check the user IDs on the local keyring
        Key Edit:
        --add-adk                 add an ADK to a key
        --add-photoid             add a photo ID to a key
        --add-revoker             add a revoker to a key
        --add-userid              add a user ID to a key
        --cache-passphrase        cache the passphrase of a key
        --change-passphrase       change the passphrase of a key
        --disable                 disable a key
        --enable                  enable a key
        --export                  export key(s)
        --export-key-pair         export key pair(s)
        --export-photoid          export a photo ID from a key
        --gen-key                 generate a key or key pair
        --gen-subkey              generate a subkey
        --get-email-encoding      get the email encoding to be used with a key
        --import                  import key(s)
        --remove                  remove a key
        --remove-adk              remove an ADK from a key
        --remove-all-adks         remove all ADKs from a key
        --remove-all-photoids     remove all photo IDs from a key
        --remove-all-revokers     remove all revokers from a key
        --remove-expiration-date  remove the expiration date from a key
        --remove-key-pair         remove a key pair
        --remove-photoid          remove a photo ID from a key
        --remove-preferred-keyserver  remove a preferred keyserver from a key
        --remove-revoker          remove a revoker from a key
        --remove-sig              remove a signature from a user ID
        --remove-subkey           remove a subkey
        --remove-userid           remove a user ID from a key
        --revoke                  revoke a key pair
        --revoke-sig              revoke a signature on a user ID
        --revoke-subkey           revoke a subkey
        --set-expiration-date     set the expiration date of a key
        --set-preferred-keyserver set the preferred keyserver on a key
        --set-primary-userid      set a user ID on a key to be primary for that key
        --set-trust               set the trust level of a key
        --sign-key                certify every user ID on a key
        --sign-userid             certify a specific user ID on a key
        Key Edit (advanced):
        --add-preferred-cipher    add a preferred cipher to a key
        --add-preferred-compression-algorithm  add a compression algorithm to a key
        --add-preferred-email-encoding  add a preferred email encoding to a key
        --add-preferred-hash      add a preferred hash to a key
        --clear-key-flag          clear one of the key preferences flags
        --gen-revocation          generate a revocation certificate for a key
        --join-key                join a previously split key
        --join-key-cache-only     temporarily join a previously split key
        --key-recon-recv          reconstruct a secret key
        --key-recon-recv-questions  query key reconstruction questions
        --key-recon-send          send key reconstruction data to a server
        --remove-preferred-cipher remove a preferred cipher from a key
        --remove-preferred-compression-algorithm  remove a compression algorithm
        --remove-preferred-email-encoding  remove a preferred email encoding
        --remove-preferred-hash   remove a preferred hash from a key
        --send-shares             send shares to a server joining a key
        --set-key-flag            set one of the key preferences flags
        --set-preferred-ciphers   set the preferred cipher list for a key
        --set-preferred-compression-algorithms  set the compression algorithm list
        --set-preferred-email-encodings  set the preferred email encodings on a key
        --set-preferred-hashes    set the preferred hash list for a key
        --split-key               split a private key into shares
        --keyserver-disable       disable keys on a keyserver
        --keyserver-recv          add keys from a keyserver to the local keyring
        --keyserver-remove        remove keys from a keyserver
        --keyserver-search        search for keys on a keyserver
        --keyserver-send          send keys to a keyserver
        --keyserver-update        synchronize keys with a keyserver
        Key Management:
        --check-cert-validity     ask a KMS whether a given cert is valid
        --create-consumer         create a consumer object
        --create-mak              create a managed asymmetric key (MAK)
        --create-mek              create a managed encryption key (MEK)
        --create-mek-series       create a MEK series
        --create-msd              create a managed secure data object (MSD)
        --delete-mak              delete a MAK from server
        --delete-mek-series       delete a MEK series from server
        --delete-msd              delete an MSD from server
        --edit-mak                edit a MAK
        --edit-mek                edit a MEK
        --edit-mek-series         edit a MEK series
        --edit-msd                edit an MSD
        --export-mak              export public portion of a MAK to file
        --export-mak-pair         export a MAK to file
        --export-mek              export a MEK to file
        --export-msd              export an MSD to plain-text file
        --import-mak              manage an existing asymmetric key
        --import-mek              manage an existing symmetric key
        --request-cert            request a certificate for a MAK
        --search-consumer         search server for consumer
        --search-mak              search server for MAK
        --search-mek              search server for MEK
        --search-mek-series       search server for MEK series
        --search-msd              search server for MSD
        --usp-cache-auth          cache authentication credentials for a KMS
        --usp-clear-cache         clear cached authentication credentials for a KMS
        --license-authorize       authorize a license number for use
        --always-trust            treat all keys as trusted
        --annotate                annotate email data
        --anonymize               hide recipient key IDs
        --archive                 use archive mode
        --banner                  show a banner for every invocation
        --brief                   only display UUID of KMS search results
        --biometric               show biometric output
        --buffered-stdio          buffer stdin and stdout operations in memory
        --compress                use compression
     -d --debug                   show debug messages
        --details                 show detailed output from search/list
        --email                   treat input/output as email data
        --encrypt-to-self         attempt to encrypt to the default key
        --eyes-only               for your eyes only mode (do not write output)
        --fast-key-gen            fast key generation (canned primes)
        --fips-mode               run in FIPS mode
     -f --force                   required for some dangerous operations
        --import-certificates     import pending certificate requests to MAK
        --halt-on-error           stop on error for multiple I/O operations
        --keyring-cache           use the keyring cache
        --large-keyrings          use large keyring mode
        --local-mode              run in local mode
        --marginal-as-valid       treat marginally valid keys as valid
        --master-key              use the master key for this operation
        --pass-through            pass through non-PGP data during decode
        --passphrase-cache        use the passphrase cache
        --photo                   match a photo ID
     -q --quiet                   show only error messages
        --recursive               use recursive mode
        --reverse-sort            reverse sort
        --sda                     use SDA mode
        --skep                    use SKEP when joining split keys
     -t --textmode                force the input to canonical text mode
        --truncate-passphrase     truncate passphrases at the first newline
     -v --verbose                 show verbose messages
        --warn-adk                warn when using ADKs
        --wrapper-key             use a wrapper key for this operation
        --xml                     show user output in XML format
        --3des                    precedence of the 3DES cipher algorithm
        --aes128                  precedence of the AES-128 cipher algorithm
        --aes192                  precedence of the AES-192 cipher algorithm
        --aes256                  precedence of the AES-256 cipher algorithm
        --blowfish                precedence of the Blowfish cipher algorithm
        --bzip2                   precedence of the BZIP2 compression algorithm
        --cast5                   precedence of the CAST5 cipher algorithm
        --creation-days           number of days before start of validity
        --encryption-bits         encryption key size
        --expiration-days         number of days until expiration
        --idea                    precedence of the IDEA cipher algorithm
        --index                   match a specific index
        --keyring-cache-timeout   keyring cache timeout
        --keyserver-timeout       keyserver timeout
        --md5                     precedence of the MD5 hash algorithm
        --partitioned             precedence of the partitioned email encoding
        --passphrase-cache-timeout  passphrase cache timeout
        --pgpeml                  precedence of the PGPEML email encoding
        --pgp-mime                precedence of the PGP-MIME email encoding
        --ripemd160               precedence of the RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm
        --sha                     precedence of the SHA-1 hash algorithm
        --sha256                  precedence of the SHA-256 hash algorithm
        --sha384                  precedence of the SHA-384 hash algorithm
        --sha512                  precedence of the SHA-512 hash algorithm
        --signing-bits            signing key size
        --signing-subkey-bits     signing subkey size
        --skep-timeout            timeout for joining keys over the network (SKEP)
        --threshold               minimum share threshold when splitting keys
        --trust-depth             signature trust depth
        --twofish                 precedence of the Twofish cipher algorithm
        --uncompressed            precedence of the "none" compression algorithm
        --usp-port                specify the port number for the KMS
        --validity-duration       new validity duration for MEK series
        --wipe-input-passes       set the number of wipe passes for input files
        --wipe-overwrite-passes   set the number of wipe passes for overwrite
        --wipe-passes             set the number of wipe passes
        --wipe-temp-passes        set the number of wipe passes for temp files
        --zip                     precedence of the ZIP compression algorithm
        --zlib                    precedence of the ZLIB compression algorithm
        --auto-import-keys        off | merge | new | all
        --cipher                  idea | 3des | cast5 | blowfish | aes128 |
                                  aes192 | aes256 | twofish
        --compression-algorithm   zip | zlib | bzip2 | uncompressed
     -z --compression-level       default | fastest | balanced | smallest
        --email-encoding          pgpmime | partitioned | pgpeml
        --enforce-adk             off | attempt | require
        --export-format           compatible | complete | x509-cert | pkcs8 |
                                  pkcs12 | csr
        --hash                    md5 | sha | ripemd160 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512
        --import-format           auto | pgp | x509-cert | pkcs7 | pkcs12
        --input-cleanup           off | remove | wipe
        --key-flag                sign-userids | sign-messages | encrypt-storage |
                                  encrypt-communications | sign | encrypt |
                                  encrypt-and-sign | no-modify |
                                  modification-detection | private-shared
        --key-type                dh | rsa | rsa-sign-only |
        --manual-import-keys      off | merge | new | all
        --manual-import-key-pairs off | public | pair
        --overwrite               off | remove | rename | wipe
        --sig-type                local | exportable | meta-introducer |
        --sort-order              any | keysize | subkeysize | keyid | userid |
                                  validity | trust | expiration | creation | email
        --tar-cache-cleanup       off | remove | wipe
        --target-platform         win32 | linux | solaris | aix | hpux | osx
        --temp-cleanup            off | remove | wipe
        --trust                   never | marginal | complete | implicit
        --auth-key                key for server authentication
        --auth-passphrase         passphrase for server authentication
        --auth-username           username for server authentication
        --basic-constraint        basic constraint flag for X.509 CSR
        --cert-file               file containing CSR to submit
        --city                    city for X.509 CSR
        --comment                 armor block comment string
        --common-name             common name for X.509 CSR
        --contact-email           contact email address for X.509 CSR
        --country                 country for X.509 CSR
        --creation-date           creation date (YYYY-MM-DD)
        --decrypt-with            MAK to use for decryption
        --default-key             default signing key
        --delim                   delimiter between objects in KMS search results
        --end-of-life             end of life (YYYY-MM-DD)
        --expiration-date         expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD)
        --export-passphrase       passphrase to use for key export operations
        --extended-key-usage      extended key usage flag for X.509 CSR
        --field-delim             delimiter between fields in KMS search results
        --home-dir                home directory location
        --key-mode                new key mode for MAK
        --key-usage               key usage flag for X.509 CSR
        --license-number          license number
     -u --local-user              local user for operation
        --mime-type               set MIME type for MSD
        --name                    specify name of KMS object
        --new-data                set new data for MSD
        --new-passphrase          new passphrase
        --organization            organization for X.509 CSR
        --organizational-unit     organizational unit for X.509 CSR
     -o --output                  output object
        --output-file             set a file to use for output messages
        --parent                  specify parent object when creating KMS object
        --passphrase              passphrase
        --preferred-keyserver     preferred keyserver
        --private-keyring         private keyring file
        --proxy-passphrase        proxy server passphrase
        --proxy-server            proxy server name
        --proxy-username          proxy server username
        --public-keyring          public keyring file
        --random-seed             random seed file
        --recon-server            destination server for key reconstruction
        --regular-expression      regular expression
        --root-path               root path
        --set-auth-mak            set authentication MAK for KMS consumer
        --set-key                 set key material for MAK
        --share-server            destination server for key shares
        --state                   state for X.509 CSR
        --status-file             set a file to use for status messages
        --subject-alt-name        subject alternative name for X.509 CSR
        --symmetric-passphrase    symmetric (conventional) passphrase
        --temp-dir                specify the temporary directory
        --type                    specify KMS consumer type
        --valid-after-date        valid after date (YYYY-MM-DD)
        --valid-before-date       valid before date (YYYY-MM-DD)
        --verify-with             MAK to use for signature verification
        --usp-server              specify KMS to operate on
        --additional-recipient    additional recipients
        --adk                     additional decryption key
        --answer                  specify an answer
        --attribute               attr=val for KMS object edit
        --clear-attribute         clear attributes from KMS object
        --email-address           email address for KMS consumer
     -i --input                   input object
        --keyserver               keyserver (protocol://host[:port][/baseDN])
        --question                specify a question
     -r --recipient               recipient
        --revoker                 3rd party revoker
        --share                   specify a key share (number:user[:passphrase])
        --usp-search-server       KMS to search
        --x509-extension          X.509 extension in ASN.1 format for CSR
        File Descriptors:
        --auth-passphrase-fd      auth passphrase
        --auth-passphrase-fd8     auth passphrase (encoded in UTF8)
        --export-passphrase-fd    export passphrase
        --export-passphrase-fd8   export passphrase (encoded in UTF8)
        --new-passphrase-fd       new passphrase
        --new-passphrase-fd8      new passphrase (encoded in UTF8)
        --passphrase-fd           passphrase
        --passphrase-fd8          passphrase (encoded in UTF8)
        --proxy-passphrase-fd     proxy passphrase
        --proxy-passphrase-fd8    proxy passphrase (encoded in UTF8)
        --symmetric-passphrase-fd symmetric passphrase
        --symmetric-passphrase-fd8  symmetric passphrase (encoded in UTF8)
    第 1 条附言  ·  2015-05-27 02:24:09 +08:00
    我的KEY ID:0x3A29261C,KEY FingerPrint:0549 F72A 295F C577 6C4E 6901 A857 A49A 3A29 261C,公钥可以从 http://keyserver1.pgp.com 下载。
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