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Architecture Governance

  •   aaronzheng · 2014-10-22 03:24:48 +08:00 · 2142 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3638 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    根据一些资料,随手整理了和归纳了一些概念。。。 路过放出一点点儿。。。
    Governance IT

    IT governance must address: Decision making, Accountability, and Implementation
    Lack of IT governance is considered the key reason for many issues facing IT industry
    Several methodologies for IT governance: Information Technology and Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Information Communication and Technology Infrastructure Management (ICTIM), and Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT)

    IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
    Most popular approaches to managing IT services
    Provide the cornerstone for IT governance
    Best practices observed in the IT industry
    Consist of processes for task management in an IT department
    A business driven approach to managing IT
    Best practices manage the IT services in an organization
    The two main areas of IT Service management are: Service delivery, and Service support

    ICT Infrastructure Management (ICTIM)
    Best practices for information and communications technology (ICT): Design and planning, Deployment management, Operations management, and Technical support
    Typically used in conjunction with ITIL

    Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)
    Provide key operational indicators to identify how well an IT organization is controlling key elements
    Identifies a comprehensive set of operational indicators
    Governance models justification

    Governance Models
    1. Sole governance
    2. Local governance
    3. Intermediary governance
    4. Federated governance

    原创文章若有转载,务请注明出处: http://www.sightcorner.com/technique/2014_10_21
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