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有人成功在dnspod上成功解析国外(如godaddy,name.com, namecheap之类)购买的 .it 后缀域名么?

  •   muxi · 2011-05-30 10:24:18 +08:00 · 4247 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4862 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    我始终没有解析成功,一直提示nameserver check failed


    Are there nameserver requirements for my .it domain names?
    Yes. All .it domain names must have two to six authoritative nameservers. Before you register or update the domain name, you must list only those nameservers in its zone file.

    If you want to register a .it domain name with us and use our nameservers, we handle this process for you.

    If you want to use your own nameservers, you must set them up before you register or update the domain name. You must also ensure that they are resolving properly before you assign them to the domain name in our system.

    TIP: You can use a DNS validation tool to ensure that your nameservers are resolving properly. If you do not have a preferred DNS validator, you can use any search engine to find one.

    For example, if you want to register coolexample.com.it and use the nameservers ns1.coolexample.it and ns2.coolexample.it, then you must list those nameservers in the domain name's zone file.

    After you set up your nameservers and register or update your domain name, use the instructions in Setting Nameservers for Your Domain Names to set the nameservers in our system. Then, the Registro.it registry must approve or reject them, which can take up to five business days.
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