niboy 355 天前 1
1. 如果申请有弹性 IP ,必须取消和实例关联并释放掉,否则收费。 2. 运行的实例好像会自动分配一个公有 IPv4 ,AWS Free Tier 的前 12 个月不收费。 3. 不用搞啥 EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint ,还能继续用公用 IpV4 进行 ssh 连接 |
casey8802 OP 嗯呢,感谢。
我的我的理解也是自动分配公有 IPv4 ,AWS Free Tier 的前 12 个月不收费。下个月我试一下,就算是收费了,也不会很贵;到时候再来反馈一下。 |
dilfish 346 天前 via Android
我的自动分配的 IPv4 也收费了
dilfish 345 天前 via Android
@casey8802 对,reddit 上有人发单问了,回复也是套话。
https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/1agm1rf/charges_showing_for_ipv4_address_on_free_tier/ |
niboy 345 天前
我这边显示的是 VPC 收费了,应该是公有 IPV4 收费吧。免费一年不是当白说?
dilfish 345 天前 1
@niboy 看看国际大厂
I just got the following response from aws support: Hi, Thank you for waiting for me while my service team reviewed the issue. I have received an update from them. They have informed me that the reason you were seeing the charge is that the Free Tier offering has not completed updating to include IPv4 for all accounts yet which were created between 2023 and 2024. They have also confirmed with me that all AWS accounts effected will be corrected, and the charge will be removed from the account before the end of February 2024. You're welcome to reach out to me should you have any further questions or concerns. We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this and other correspondences in the AWS Support Center. You can rate a correspondence by selecting the stars in the top right corner of the correspondence. Best regards, Amazon Web Services |
woyiwei 344 天前
创建 ec2 时关闭了自动获取 ipv4 ,然后申请弹性 ip 并关联到实例,现在取消关联并释放弹性 ip 后,实例没有自动获取 ipv4 。想自动获取应该怎么设置
niboy 343 天前
Dear customer, Thank you for contacting AWS! As you’re selecting Chinese for preferred support language, the following responses will be in Chinese. 明白您对于公有 IPv4 的费用有所疑问,我很乐意协助。 一,费用解释 使用中的公有 IPv4 地址的费用将于 2024 年 2 月 1 日后开始收费。 公有 IP 的定价调整: https://aws.amazon.com/cn/blogs/china/new-aws-public-ipv4-address-charge-public-ip-insights/ 但 IPv4 的免费配额将会被含入 EC2 的免费套餐中,给予您 12 个月内每月 750 小时的公有 IPv4 地址使用量。 提醒您还是需要注意 IPv4 的总运行时数不能超过 750 小时。 二,内部系统更新 由于定价的改变较新,目前您在帐单控制台中看到的 IPv4 费用为错误的,在免费套餐启用的状态下,750 个小时内关联至运行中的 EC2 实例的 IPv4 用量是免费的。 内部团队已经在修正的过程,我会持续为您追踪内部系统更新的进度,并且及时通知您。 谢谢您对内部流程的理解,祝您顺心。 |
niboy 343 天前
@woyiwei 在 VPC 那里的子网( subnets )那里设置自动获取 ipv4 ,然后重启实例看看?我之前的问题刚好跟你相反,怎么关闭 ipv4 ,现在不想关了
fzg 342 天前 via Android
12 个月免费套餐不收费了,今天看了下账单是 0